fidelity / spock

spock is a framework that helps manage complex parameter configurations during research and development of Python applications
Apache License 2.0
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FEAT add Environment Resolver [WIP] #246

Closed svenstehle closed 2 years ago

svenstehle commented 2 years ago

What does this PR do?

This PR will address part of the feature request in #243: Environment Resolver.

Depending on the size/complexity, we may tackle "oc.decode" like functionality here or in a different PR.


I ran tests with pytest tests and not a single test passes.

Some tracebacks:

spock/ in <module>
    import pytomlpp
E   ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pytomlpp'
tests/tune/ in <module>
    import optuna
E   ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'optuna'


So far no work has been done. First step is to get guidance on how to run tests, then I need help on where to start. Frankly, I am overwhelmed and appreciate detailed support.

ncilfone commented 2 years ago

Can you paste in the output of pip list? All those deps should be installed if you pip installed all the different reqs files...

svenstehle commented 2 years ago

What am I missing?

Package             Version          Editable project location
------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------
alembic             1.7.7
astroid             2.11.3
attrs               21.4.0
autopage            0.5.0
ax-platform         0.2.4
black               22.3.0
boto3               1.21.45
botocore            1.24.45
botorch             0.6.2
certifi             2021.10.8
cffi                1.15.0
charset-normalizer  2.0.12
click               8.1.2
cliff               3.10.1
cmaes               0.8.2
cmd2                2.4.1
colorlog            6.6.0
coverage            6.3.2
coveralls           3.3.1
cryptography        36.0.2
databind            1.5.2
databind.core       1.5.2
databind.json       1.5.2
Deprecated          1.2.13
dill                0.3.4
docopt              0.6.2
docspec             1.3.0
docspec-python      1.2.0
docstring-parser    0.11
gitdb               4.0.9
GitPython           3.1.27
gpytorch            1.6.0
greenlet            1.1.2
hurry.filesize      0.9
idna                3.3
importlib-metadata  4.11.3
importlib-resources 5.7.1
iniconfig           1.1.1
isort               5.10.1
Jinja2              3.1.1
jmespath            1.0.0
joblib              1.1.0
lazy-object-proxy   1.7.1
Mako                1.2.0
MarkupSafe          2.1.1
mccabe              0.7.0
moto                3.1.5
multipledispatch    0.6.0
mypy-extensions     0.4.3
nr.fs               1.6.3
nr.pylang.utils     0.1.3           0.1.2
nr.util             0.8.11
numpy               1.22.3
optuna              2.10.0
packaging           21.3
pandas              1.4.2
pathspec            0.9.0
pbr                 5.8.1
pip                 22.0.4
platformdirs        2.5.2
plotly              5.7.0
pluggy              1.0.0
prettytable         3.2.0
py                  1.11.0
pycparser           2.21
pydoc-markdown      4.5.1
pylint              2.13.7
pyparsing           3.0.8
pyperclip           1.8.2
pytest              7.1.1
pytest-cov          3.0.0
python-dateutil     2.8.2
pytomlpp            1.0.11
pytz                2022.1
PyYAML              5.4.1
requests            2.27.1
responses           0.20.0
s3transfer          0.5.2
scikit-learn        1.0.2
scipy               1.8.0
setuptools          62.1.0
six                 1.16.0
smmap               5.0.0
spock-config        2.5.0+7.g6ac93d7 /Users/stehles/private_code/spock
SQLAlchemy          1.4.35
stevedore           3.5.0
tenacity            8.0.1
threadpoolctl       3.1.0
toml                0.10.2
tomli               2.0.1
torch               1.11.0
tqdm                4.64.0
typeguard           2.13.3
urllib3             1.26.9
watchdog            2.1.7
wcwidth             0.2.5
Werkzeug            2.1.1
wheel               0.37.1
wrapt               1.14.0
xmltodict           0.12.0
zipp                3.8.0
svenstehle commented 2 years ago

Hey, @ncilfone, I don't want to leave this dangling. I appreciate your help and time in all this. I learned a lot, but I could not get the environment up and running and I don't know the reason for it. In the meantime I had to switch back to hydra and could luckily fix the issues I have had with it in unit testing. Thus I am closing.

All the best to you :)