fidian / git-started

A good starting point for projects. Sets up lint checking, pretty printing. Easily extensible.
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Temp file that's created has no extension #12

Closed chrismcmacken closed 10 years ago

chrismcmacken commented 10 years ago

When the temp file is created it has no file extension, which causes a problem with some pretty printing applications. More specifically php-cs-fixer will ignore files that do not have a .php extension.

It would be great if the temp file kept the same extension as the original file.

fidian commented 10 years ago

Changes I've made should now copy the file to a temporary directory and will preserve the original file's name. Would you check that out and see if it works for you?

fidian commented 10 years ago

Sorry. I forgot to say that these changes are only on the develop branch for now.

fidian commented 10 years ago

Merged into master, passing on my MacBook (10.6). Care to give this a whirl?

fidian commented 10 years ago

Chris had reported that this is working for his project.