fidley / ABAPQuickFix

ABAP Quick Fix
MIT License
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Quick Fix Icon + Refactoring of StatementAssist #34

Closed fidley closed 2 years ago

fidley commented 2 years ago

Icons for each of the QuickFixes (same) added, to let people know, if this is standard or custom. It should be easier for bugs reporting. 2021-12-17_13h38_54 2021-12-17_13h18_55

MDagni commented 2 years ago

Loved it 👍

g-back commented 2 years ago

Note that you have re-added all the .class files that I removed 😄

fidley commented 2 years ago

I'm too old for this 🤣 I'll try to fix this now

fidley commented 2 years ago

@g-back maybe a hint how you have done it?

g-back commented 2 years ago


git rm -r --cached bin

/bin being the bin folder that contains the class files (don't remember exactly what it's called)

fidley commented 2 years ago

thanks, should be OK now ;)