UAF 1.1 Server test scenario:
'Server-Reg-Resp-4/F-8 FinalChallengeParams.channelBinding is empty Dictionary' expects that a channelBinding = {} is refused by the server, but from the standard its a valid setting in case no channel bindings are defined.
Actually the conformance tool itself uses channelbinding = {} for some 'positive' registration test scenarios.
This is somehow not consistent; perhaps you can remove this test scenario: 'Server-Reg-Resp-4/F-8 FinalChallengeParams.channelBinding is empty Dictionary' from the tool.
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Issue description
UAF 1.1 Server test scenario: 'Server-Reg-Resp-4/F-8 FinalChallengeParams.channelBinding is empty Dictionary' expects that a channelBinding = {} is refused by the server, but from the standard its a valid setting in case no channel bindings are defined. Actually the conformance tool itself uses channelbinding = {} for some 'positive' registration test scenarios.
This is somehow not consistent; perhaps you can remove this test scenario: 'Server-Reg-Resp-4/F-8 FinalChallengeParams.channelBinding is empty Dictionary' from the tool.
Regards, Manfred