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Server front-end example index.html does not adhere to a standard server transport specification #675

Closed sbweeden closed 2 years ago

sbweeden commented 2 years ago

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Server front-end index.html

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Issue description

The server front-end index.html does not conform to any normative server specification.

The "last known" version of a server specification I could find is here

This is very out of date, and the server front-end example index.html doesn't adhere to it either. If interoperability servers are going to be asked to expose this front-end, then the expected HTTP payload interfaces need to be specified.

Specific examples of non-compliant request payloads include:

Example 1: In /assertion/options an example request is:

  "displayName": "Mozell Shue",
  "username": ""

The displayName field is not part of any specification for /assertion/options and should not be included.

Example 2: In /assertion/result an example request is:

  "rawId": "DVFWhM2Ye9-0wKtnvsKkEKbFNwx8ESl8OuRbJVBdh0OmAuT4lrHqQPmp-OWHkYRqPEigUqCGRyWJsIZCocQ1rA",
  "response": {
    "authenticatorData": "xKd7U13zA_foEVgh7zx7TZX1xiy6BBHLnAyCVzrZ9lkFAAAABA",
    "signature": "MEUCIGn_2qr1-89VxfgO6aMGpVpzeUt0rX6QxSSlC9Iu3SrTAiEApzQh0aUn9EdU7cw3dLceQp4Anc26CdkhBt1qRv6bbrM",
    "userHandle": null,
    "clientDataJSON": "eyJ0eXBlIjoid2ViYXV0aG4uZ2V0IiwiY2hhbGxlbmdlIjoiZjhraVY3NTNWdnVEMFdHT3kxX2FOaXJZeUZRa3lNSEVXOEpSZlVEa3ZsSSIsIm9yaWdpbiI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZmlkb2ludGVyb3AudmVyaWZ5LmlibS5jb206ODQ0MyIsImNyb3NzT3JpZ2luIjpmYWxzZX0"
  "authenticatorAttachment": "cross-platform",
  "getClientExtensionResults": {},
  "id": "DVFWhM2Ye9-0wKtnvsKkEKbFNwx8ESl8OuRbJVBdh0OmAuT4lrHqQPmp-OWHkYRqPEigUqCGRyWJsIZCocQ1rA",
  "type": "public-key"

The authenticatorAttachment field is new to L3 of WebAuthn and not currently part of the server specification for /assertion/result.

Example 3: In /attestation/response an example body is:

  "rawId": "q3XAGKdtgUNM14o1R1lNmXDL6SaXKGRJC3mDOfFYBCV60EmS1EXeBScOCaZHWfz24c97L_InQ48KvnBZXajrJw",
  "response": {
    "getAuthenticatorData": {},
    "getPublicKey": {},
    "getPublicKeyAlgorithm": {},
    "getTransports": {},
    "clientDataJSON": "eyJ0eXBlIjoid2ViYXV0aG4uY3JlYXRlIiwiY2hhbGxlbmdlIjoiQWFiM1M5VjFKWUN4Vmd2OGhucGwyRmpIcEN5ci1FNnpKUGhFNjd6VlVlYyIsIm9yaWdpbiI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZmlkb2ludGVyb3AudmVyaWZ5LmlibS5jb206ODQ0MyIsImNyb3NzT3JpZ2luIjpmYWxzZX0"
  "authenticatorAttachment": "cross-platform",
  "getClientExtensionResults": {},
  "id": "q3XAGKdtgUNM14o1R1lNmXDL6SaXKGRJC3mDOfFYBCV60EmS1EXeBScOCaZHWfz24c97L_InQ48KvnBZXajrJw",
  "type": "public-key"

The following included elements of that response are not part of any specification:

yackermann commented 2 years ago

Hey Shane.

We do no use server specs anymore, as TWG decided to remove reference API from the server spec.

Official conformance API is here:

Re issues: That seems to be just typoe that no one noticed

yackermann commented 2 years ago

Re typoes: They are not present in conformance API definition anymore