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AuthenticBioEnrollment: remaining Power Off/ Power On on each command enrollCaptureNextSample in Conformance test tool #705

Closed carov0610 closed 1 year ago

carov0610 commented 1 year ago

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What protocol are you implementing?

NOTE: UAF 1.0 certification have been officially sunset. U2F 1.2 only supported version of U2F.

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If you are platform authenticator vendor, please email

What is the version of the tool are you using?

FIDO Conformance Tools v1.7.11

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For desktop tools

For UAF mobile tools

Issue description

In test P-2 If authenticator supports BioEnrollment API: Send authenticatorBioEnrollment(0x09) with enrollBegin(0x01) with supported modality. Check that command succeeds. Keep sending enrollCaptureNextSample(0x02) for the specified templateId, and check that: (b) remainingSamples(0x06) - number, and is the same or less than previous request (c) lastEnrollSampleStatus(0x05) - number, a valid BE status code When remainingSamples is 0, and lastEnrollSampleStatus is CTAP2_ENROLL_FEEDBACK_FP_GOOD(0x00) power off / power on occurs between each command enrollCaptureNextSample. It prevents the enrollment to progress (linked to issue #693 closed)

carov0610 commented 1 year ago

It seems the problem rely in it(`P-2

    If authenticator supports BioEnrollment API: Send authenticatorBioEnrollment(0x09) with enrollBegin(0x01) with supported modality. Check that command succeeds.

    Keep sending enrollCaptureNextSample(0x02) for the specified templateId, and check that:
        (b) remainingSamples(0x06) - number, and is the same or less than previous request
        (c) lastEnrollSampleStatus(0x05) - number, a valid BE status code

    When remainingSamples is 0, and lastEnrollSampleStatus is CTAP2_ENROLL_FEEDBACK_FP_GOOD(0x00), stop

`, function() {
    if(!bioEnrollSupported) {

    const subCommandParams = {
        0x03: 10000 // TODO investigate

    const subCommandParams_bytes =;

    let templateId = undefined
    return sendValidCTAP_CBOR(BioEnrollment21_GenerateCMD({
        'modality'          : BioEnrollment21_Modalities.fingerprint,
        'subCommand'        : BioEnrollment21_ReqSubCommand.enrollBegin,
        'subCommandParams'  : subCommandParams,
        'pinUvAuthProtocol' : pinUvAuthProtocol,
        'pinUvAuthParam'    : ClientPinLatest_core_authenticate_raw(pinUvAuthToken, pinUvAuthProtocol, mergeArrayBuffers(
            new Uint8Array([BioEnrollment21_Modalities.fingerprint, BioEnrollment21_ReqSubCommand.enrollBegin]),

    .then((response) => {
        templateId = response.cborResponseStruct[BioEnrollment21_RespParams.templateId];
        return captureNext(templateId)

, {'dontResetCard': true}) is missing

yackermann commented 1 year ago

@carov0610, yes you correct. New build out Wednesday

yackermann commented 1 year ago