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Tool fails test when authenticatorReset returns a CTAP2_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED #739

Closed Molyna closed 4 months ago

Molyna commented 8 months ago

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Issue description

When starting the tests they will fail fairly fast when a reset command returns CTAP2_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED. Part of the 2.1 Specification for Reset says


In order to prevent an accidental triggering of this mechanism, evidence of user interaction is required.

In case of authenticators with no display, request MUST have come to the authenticator within 10 seconds of powering up of the authenticator.

If all conditions are met, authenticator returns CTAP2_OK. If this command is disabled for the transport used, the authenticator returns CTAP2_ERR_OPERATION_DENIED. If user presence is explicitly denied, the authenticator returns CTAP2_ERR_OPERATION_DENIED. If a user action timeout occurs, the authenticator returns CTAP2_ERR_USER_ACTION_TIMEOUT. If the request comes after 10 seconds of powering up, the authenticator returns CTAP2_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED.

So expectation would be that the tests demand a reboot of the device when CTAP2_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED is returned from reset.

iirachek commented 8 months ago

Current implementation of the tests operates on an assumption that once the dialog about requiring reset is shown, the authenticator gets power cycled before continuing. Easy to do for HID authenticators, but may be troublesome in case of BLE to time it correctly.

I'll see if its possible to retry the reset procedure when it fails due to CTAP2_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED instead of outright failing tests.

Molyna commented 8 months ago

Not sure how easy it would be. Power reset on BLE is in general quite cumbersome in how much time it takes as it needs to redo the connection as well. We have in general had big issues with the ClientPin tests for example triggering timeout as they on average take about 55 seconds. So doing a power cycle would probably need to include a pause in the test running similar to ClientPin with a popup, but it might also require longer timeout then.

iirachek commented 7 months ago

The solution is currently being worked on, and there are some ideas for ways to improve the experience. Unfortunately, it will take a bit more time, so it won't be ready for the next 1.7.18 version.

iirachek commented 6 months ago

Improvements regarding this were introduced in the latest 1.7.19 version.

Should the reset operation return the CTAP2_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED code, you will be prompted with a popup dialog to retry it without failing a test. Hitting this dialog will also slightly increase the timeout.

This is only the case for CTAP2_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED. Other error codes will still cause a fail as usual.

Molyna commented 6 months ago

Ran a full BLE test, the Reset test category fails with 0x30 as it takes more than 10 seconds from boot. Otherwise all works with the fix.

iirachek commented 5 months ago

the Reset test category fails with 0x30 as it takes more than 10 seconds from boot.

Accidentally missed this block of tests. Should work properly in the latest 1.7.19-1 version.