Enhancing the test suite to verify that the assertion returns an error when different users use the same challenge could be beneficial.
After passing the certification testing tools with 100% accuracy on all the test suite, we identified that a false positive might be possible in the FIDO2 Interop tests.
The test case is as follows:
Register two users by performing a MakeCredential with RK (USER1, USER2).
Perform a GetAssertion with RK:
2.1. Perform a POST assertion/options request with USER1.
2.2. Perform a POST assertion/result request with USER2.
If the server does not handle the challenges correctly, the test result may be a false positive. It would be beneficial to include a test in the certification testing tool to check this behavior.
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NOTE: UAF 1.0 certification have been officially sunset. U2F 1.2 only supported version of U2F.
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For desktop tools
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Issue description
Enhancing the test suite to verify that the assertion returns an error when different users use the same challenge could be beneficial.
After passing the certification testing tools with 100% accuracy on all the test suite, we identified that a false positive might be possible in the FIDO2 Interop tests.
The test case is as follows:
POST assertion/options
request with USER1. 2.2. Perform aPOST assertion/result
request with USER2.If the server does not handle the challenges correctly, the test result may be a false positive. It would be beneficial to include a test in the certification testing tool to check this behavior.