Hi, i am currently working on a website with AWS web services and would like to test its performance using AWS x-ray.
I copied ur example to test out the library, the code works fine and trace id are provided, but there is no results shown at AWS x-ray.
this is the code
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
//use Pkerrigan\Xray\Trace;
require_once 'Thrower.php';
use Fido\PHPXray\Cause;
use Fido\PHPXray\DynamoSegment;
use Fido\PHPXray\HttpSegment;
use Fido\PHPXray\Segment;
use Fido\PHPXray\Submission\DaemonSegmentSubmitter;
use Fido\PHPXray\Trace;
use Fido\PHPXray\TraceSingletonAccessor;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
$client = new Client();
$trace = new Trace(\uniqid("a_trace_name_"));
$main = new Segment(\uniqid("segment_main_"));
$httpSegment = new HttpSegment(
name: \uniqid("http_segment_post_500_"),
url: 'ifconfig.me/ua',
method: 'GET'
$genericSubSegment = new Segment(\uniqid("generic_sub_segment_"));
$dynamoDBSubSegment = new DynamoSegment(
name: \uniqid("dynamo_db_sub_segment_"),
tableName: "a_table_name",
operation: 'query',
requestId: 'a_request_id'
try {
try {
new Thrower('42', 42, new \stdClass(), ['42',42]);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new \Exception('wrapper', 0, $e);
} catch (\Throwable $t) {
$exception = $t;
$genericSubSegmentWithException = new Segment(\uniqid("segment_main_"));
(new DaemonSegmentSubmitter())->submitSegment(TraceSingletonAccessor::getInstance());
print_r("https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/xray/home?region=us-east-1#/traces/" . $trace->getTraceId() . "\n");
Hi, i am currently working on a website with AWS web services and would like to test its performance using AWS x-ray. I copied ur example to test out the library, the code works fine and trace id are provided, but there is no results shown at AWS x-ray.
this is the code
could i know i did wrong, tqvm....