fiedl / hole-ice-scripts

Example scripts for the hole-ice extension of clsim in the IceCube simulation framework.
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Visualize photons in steamshovel #6

Open fiedl opened 2 years ago

fiedl commented 2 years ago

In order to visualize the photon paths, I'm trying to display them in steamshovel.

fiedl commented 2 years ago
[2022-08-12 00:26:32] fiedl@fiedl-mbp ~/icecube/hole-ice-scripts master :zap: 12fc7b5
▶ source ~/py3/bin/activate && ~/icecube/icetray-build/
▶ steamshovel data/propagated_photons.i3
ERROR (Scenario): PhotonPaths: for key PhotonSeriesMap  got incompatible type I3Map<ModuleKey, I3Vector<I3CompressedPhoton> > (Scenario.cpp:423 in bool Scenario::canCreate(ArtistPtr))
ERROR (Scenario): PhotonPaths: for key PhotonSeriesMap  got incompatible type I3Map<ModuleKey, I3Vector<I3CompressedPhoton> > (Scenario.cpp:423 in bool Scenario::canCreate(ArtistPtr))

Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-12 um 00 27 51

fiedl commented 2 years ago

Tianlu has found a workaround.

I was able to get steamshovel to display by putting a dummy I3MCTree in

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
from I3Tray import I3Tray
from icecube import icetray, clsim, phys_services, simclasses, photonics_service, dataclasses

DETECTOR_GEOMETRY_FILE = os.path.expandvars(


def main():
  random_number_generator = phys_services.I3SPRNGRandomService(
    seed = 1234,
    nstreams = 100000000,
    streamnum = 1

  tray = I3Tray()
  tray.context['I3RandomService'] = random_number_generator

    Filenamelist = [DETECTOR_GEOMETRY_FILE, 'data/generated_photons.i3']

    UseCPUs = True,
    UseGPUs = False,
    UseI3PropagatorService = False,
    OutputMCTreeName = None,
    PhotonSeriesName = 'PhotonSeriesMap',
    FlasherPulseSeriesName = 'PhotonFlasherPulseSeries',
    MCPESeriesName = None,
    RandomService = tray.context['I3RandomService'],
    IceModelLocation = os.path.expandvars('$I3_SRC/ice-models/resources/models/ICEMODEL/spice_bfr-v2'),
    UseCascadeExtension = False,
    DisableTilt = False,
    DoNotParallelize = True,
    DOMOversizeFactor = 1.0,
    DOMEfficiency = 1.0,
    HoleIceParameterization = os.path.expandvars('$I3_SRC/ice-models/resources/models/ANGSENS/angsens/as.nominal'), # no hole-ice approximation
    UnWeightedPhotons = True,
    UnWeightedPhotonsScalingFactor = 1.0,
    StopDetectedPhotons = False,
    SaveAllPhotons = True,
    SaveAllPhotonsPrescale = 1.0,
    PhotonHistoryEntries = 100

    Streams = [icetray.I3Frame.DAQ]
    filename = "data/propagated_photons.i3"

    Streams = [icetray.I3Frame.DAQ]


def put_mctree(frame):
  frame['I3MCTree'] = dataclasses.I3MCTree()
  part = dataclasses.I3Particle()
  part.pos = dataclasses.I3Position(-255.023,-521.282,500)
  part.dir = dataclasses.I3Direction(3.14/2, 0)
  part.time= 0
  part.type = dataclasses.I3Particle.ParticleType.Hadrons

def count_propagated_photons(frame):
  print(f"number of PhotonSeriesMap entries: {len(frame['PhotonSeriesMap'])}")

if __name__=='__main__':
fiedl commented 2 years ago

If no photon history is going to be created, this module adds the photons as I3CompressedPhoton. This leads to steamshovel's error:

ERROR (Scenario): PhotonPaths: for key PhotonSeriesMap  got incompatible type I3Map<ModuleKey, I3Vector<I3CompressedPhoton> > (Scenario.cpp:423 in bool Scenario::canCreate(ArtistPtr))

Only if there are photon histories to be created, the result is stored as I3PhotonSeriesMap, which is required by the steamshovel artist. Also, the compressed photons don't save their history. So it's not a matter of data conversion.

If I configure I3CLSimMakePhotons to PhotonHistoryEntries = 0, I have suspected this to be an "auto" setting where it saves all history entries. But, apparently, this saves no history entries, which makes the photons to be stored as compressed photons.

If I configure I3CLSimMakePhotons to PhotonHistoryEntries = 100, however, as Tianlu did in the above example, I'm getting RuntimeError: clCreateBuffer, again ( Setting PhotonHistoryEntries = 100 works for now.

Also, the steamshovel artist expects a reference particle to gauge the timing information. Therefore, one needs to add a fake monte-carlo-particle tree.

fiedl commented 2 years ago
[2022-09-07 23:20:27] fiedl@fiedl-mbp ~/icecube/hole-ice-scripts master ⚡ 75cd293
▶ docker-compose run icetray scripts/
▶ docker-compose run icetray scripts/

[2022-09-07 23:30:27] fiedl@fiedl-mbp ~/icecube/hole-ice-scripts master ⚡ 75cd293
▶ source ~/py3/bin/activate && ~/icecube/icetray-build/
▶ steamshovel data/propagated_photons.i3

Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-07 um 23 41 31