fiedl / hole-ice-study

This project aims to incorporate the effects of hole ice into the clsim photon propagation simulation of the icecube neutrino observatory.
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Does direct detection use the proper DOM region? #109

Open fiedl opened 6 years ago

fiedl commented 6 years ago

Or are there geometrical issues that cause the DOM to accept the wrong photons?

fiedl commented 6 years ago

I'm simulating locally with --save-photon-paths --save-only-detected.

[2018-08-09 15:00:41] fiedl@fiedl-mbp ~/hole-ice-study/scripts/AngularAcceptance master ⚡
▶ ./run.rb --cluster --no-hole-ice --distance=1.0 --number-of-photons=100 --cpu --angles=0,45,90,180,270,315 --plane-wave
▶ steamshovel tmp/propagated_photons_from_angle_*.i3
bildschirmfoto 2018-08-09 um 15 08 55 bildschirmfoto 2018-08-09 um 15 09 24 bildschirmfoto 2018-08-09 um 15 09 19 bildschirmfoto 2018-08-09 um 15 09 14 bildschirmfoto 2018-08-09 um 15 09 08 bildschirmfoto 2018-08-09 um 15 09 02
fiedl commented 6 years ago

The first image made me nervous. But apparently, all DOM intersections are recorded here, regardless of whether the DOM has accepted the hit, I guess. Otherwise, there wouldn't be hits from above, right?