fiedl / hole-ice-study

This project aims to incorporate the effects of hole ice into the clsim photon propagation simulation of the icecube neutrino observatory.
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A priori angular-acceptance plots for H0, H1, H2, H3 #113

Closed fiedl closed 6 years ago

fiedl commented 6 years ago

Create a comparison plot for the a priori angular-acceptance curves for H0, H1, H2, and H3 parameters.

H0 and H2 have already been implemented in the angular-acceptance plot script.

The polynomial parameters for H1 and H3 can be obtained from #10:

Coefficients for H0: 0.26266 0.47659 0.15480 -0.14588 0.17316 1.3070 0.44441 -2.3538 -1.3564 1.2098 0.81569

H1: 0.29958 0.52578 0.18281 -0.11287 0.48188 1.0777 -0.96676 -2.2425 0.70419E-01 0.95132 0.13426

H2: 0.32813 0.63899 0.20049 -1.2250 -0.14470 4.1695 0.76898 -5.8690 -2.0939 2.3834 1.0435

H3: 0.35191 0.68928 0.35927 -1.7176 -1.1212 5.3179 2.2695 -7.2229 -3.2619 2.9822 1.4572

fiedl commented 6 years ago
def reference_curve_h1(angle):
  x = np.cos(2 * np.pi * angle / 360.0)
  a = 0.29958; b = 0.52578; c = 0.18281; d =-0.11287; e =0.48188; f = 1.0777;
  g = -0.96676; h = -2.2425; i = 0.70419E-01; j = 0.95132; k = 0.13426;
  return a + b*x + c*x**2 + d*x**3 + e*x**4 + f*x**5 + g*x**6 + h*x**7 + i*x**8 + j*x**9 + k*x**10

def reference_curve_h2(angle):
  x = np.cos(2 * np.pi * angle / 360.0)
  a = 0.32813; b = 0.63899; c = 0.20049; d =-1.2250; e =-0.14470; f = 4.1695;
  g = 0.76898; h =-5.8690; i =-2.0939; j = 2.3834; k = 1.0435;
  return a + b*x + c*x**2 + d*x**3 + e*x**4 + f*x**5 + g*x**6 + h*x**7 + i*x**8 + j*x**9 + k*x**10

def reference_curve_h3(angle):
  x = np.cos(2 * np.pi * angle / 360.0)
  a = 0.35191; b = 0.68928; c = 0.35927; d = -1.7176; e = -1.1212; f = 5.3179;
  g = 2.2695; h = -7.2229; i = -3.2619; j = 2.9822; k = 1.4572;
  return a + b*x + c*x**2 + d*x**3 + e*x**4 + f*x**5 + g*x**6 + h*x**7 + i*x**8 + j*x**9 + k*x**10

def reference_curve_no_hole_ice(angle):
  x = np.cos(2 * np.pi * angle / 360.0)
  a = 0.26266; b = 0.47659; c = 0.15480; d = -0.14588; e = 0.17316; f = 1.3070;
  g = 0.44441; h = -2.3538; i = -1.3564; j = 1.2098; k = 0.81569;
  return a + b*x + c*x**2 + d*x**3 + e*x**4 + f*x**5 + g*x**6 + h*x**7 + i*x**8 + j*x**9 + k*x**10

def reference_curve_dima(angle, p):
  eta = 2 * np.pi * angle / 360.0
  return 0.34 * (1 + 1.5 * np.cos(eta) - np.cos(eta)**3/2) + p * np.cos(eta) * (np.cos(eta)**2 - 1)**3
fiedl commented 6 years ago
[2018-08-16 20:31:24] fiedl@fiedl-mbp ~/hole-ice-study/scripts/lib master ⚡
▶ ./ --h0-reference --h1-reference --h2-reference --h3-reference
bildschirmfoto 2018-08-16 um 20 37 36