fiedl / hole-ice-study

This project aims to incorporate the effects of hole ice into the clsim photon propagation simulation of the icecube neutrino observatory.
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Different hole-ice correction mechanism: Generic propagation through different media #45

Closed fiedl closed 6 years ago

fiedl commented 6 years ago

Current hole-ice-correction mechanism ("Algorithm (a)")

  1. Randomize relative scattering and absorption lengths for one simulation step
  2. Loop over layers of different ice properties and calculate physical distance to the next interaction point
  3. Calculate distance through the hole ice relative to the overall distance between two interaction points
  4. Calculate correction for the distance between these two interaction points based on the hole-ice properties relative to the ice properties outside

The current hole-ice-correction mechanism has a number of shortcomings:

These issues could be solved by using a different hole-ice-correction mechanism ("Algorithm (b)"):

  1. Randomize relative scattering and absorption lengths for one simulation step
  2. Determine all medium changes (layers, hole ice) between two interaction points
  3. Loop over all medium changes with different ice properties and calculate physical distance to the next interaction point

But this would require a significant rewrite of both hole_ice.c and

bildschirmfoto 2018-03-20 um 14 28 32

fiedl commented 6 years ago

Back to the roots

When this code snippet replaces the code that is responsible for handling propagating through different media

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// After this code, we need:
// - abs_lens_left
// - distancePropagated

// abs_lens_left is already given.
floating_t sca_step_left = -my_log(RNG_CALL_UNIFORM_OC);
int currentPhotonLayer = min(max(findLayerForGivenZPos(photonPosAndTime.z), 0), MEDIUM_LAYERS-1);
floating_t distancePropagated = sca_step_left * getScatteringLength(currentPhotonLayer, photonDirAndWlen.w);
floating_t distanceToAbsorption = abs_lens_left * getAbsorptionLength(currentPhotonLayer, photonDirAndWlen.w);
  if (distanceToAbsorption < distancePropagated)
    distanceToAbsorption = ZERO;
  } else {
    distanceToAbsorption -= distancePropagated;

  abs_lens_left = distanceToAbsorption / getAbsorptionLength(currentPhotonLayer, photonDirAndWlen.w);

printf("HOLE ICE 2018 DEBUG\n");
printf("  sca_step_left = %f\n", sca_step_left);
printf("  distancePropagated = %f\n", distancePropagated);
printf("  abs_lens_left = %f\n", abs_lens_left);
printf("  distanceToAbsorption = %f\n", distanceToAbsorption);

i.e. there are no medium changes handled at all, then the propagation looks like this:

bildschirmfoto 2018-03-08 um 17 58 11

fiedl commented 6 years ago

First attempt to a medium-changes loop

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// We know how many scattering and absorption lengths the photon will
// travel in this step. But these lengths are local properties.
// Therefore, we need to loop over all media in range and convert
// these into geometrical distances.

// After this code, we need:
// - abs_lens_left
// - distancePropagated

// abs_lens_left is already given.
floating_t sca_step_left = -my_log(RNG_CALL_UNIFORM_OC);
floating_t distancePropagated = 0;
floating_t distanceToAbsorption = 0;
  int number_of_medium_changes = 2;
  floating_t distances_to_medium_changes[MEDIUM_LAYERS] = {0.0, 1.0, 1.5};
  floating_t local_scattering_lengths[MEDIUM_LAYERS] = {100.0, 100.0, 100.0};
  floating_t local_absorption_lengths[MEDIUM_LAYERS] = {100.0, 100.0, 0.0};

  for (int j = 0; (j < number_of_medium_changes) && (sca_step_left > 0); j++) {
    const floating_t max_distance_in_current_medium = distances_to_medium_changes[j+1] - distances_to_medium_changes[j];
    sca_step_left -= my_divide(max_distance_in_current_medium, local_scattering_lengths[j]);
    abs_lens_left -= my_divide(max_distance_in_current_medium, local_absorption_lengths[j]);
    distancePropagated += max_distance_in_current_medium;
    distanceToAbsorption += max_distance_in_current_medium;
    if (sca_step_left < 0) {
      distancePropagated += sca_step_left * max_distance_in_current_medium;
      sca_step_left = 0;
    if (abs_lens_left < 0) {
      distanceToAbsorption += abs_lens_left * max_distance_in_current_medium;
      abs_lens_left = 0;

  // Spend the rest of the budget with the last medium properties.
  distancePropagated += sca_step_left * local_scattering_lengths[number_of_medium_changes];
  distanceToAbsorption += abs_lens_left * local_absorption_lengths[number_of_medium_changes];

  if (distanceToAbsorption < distancePropagated) {
    distancePropagated = distanceToAbsorption;
    distanceToAbsorption = ZERO;
    abs_lens_left = ZERO;

In a first toy scenario, configure each photon for instant absorption after 1.5 metres.

bildschirmfoto 2018-03-09 um 14 18 09

fiedl commented 6 years ago

First hole-ice attempt

Using this new mechanism, add hole-ice cylinders as medium boundaries:

Doesn't look too bad, but has no ice layers, no ice tilt and no anisotropy yet:

bildschirmfoto 2018-03-09 um 16 02 22

fiedl commented 6 years ago

Nested cylinders

With the new mechanism, nesting cylinders is possible. adds hard-coded cylinder ice properties for testing:

An outer cylinder is configured for a small scattering length causing curly paths within the outer cylinder. An inner cylinder, which has a 2cm smaller radius, is configured for instant absorption.

bildschirmfoto 2018-03-09 um 17 21 15 bildschirmfoto 2018-03-09 um 17 21 54

/CC @thoglu Nested cylinders are working well.

fiedl commented 6 years ago

First angular-acceptance test

Test with cable (instant absorption) and bubble column (scattering length: 5mm), direct detection and the new hole-ice code. Configuration:

[2018-03-09 23:20:38] fiedl@wgs16 /afs/ master ⚡
▶ qsub -l gpu -l tmpdir_size=10G -l s_rt=8:00:00 -l h_rss=2G -m ae --distance=1.0 --number-of-photons=1e5 --number-of-runs=2 --number-of-parallel-runs=2 --plane-wave

[2018-03-10 00:39:44] fiedl@fiedl-mbp ~/hole-ice-study/scripts/AngularAcceptance master ⚡
▶ lib/plot.rb ~/z/hole-ice-study/scripts/AngularAcceptance/cluster-results
▶ open ~/z/hole-ice-study/scripts/AngularAcceptance/cluster-results/tmp/plot_with_reference.png


fiedl commented 6 years ago

Another test run with 30cm hole-ice radius. Looks even worse.


fiedl commented 6 years ago

When applying parameters close to the previous ones, e.g. this plane-wave example, then the results look good.

old algorithm:


new algorithm:


fiedl commented 6 years ago

Bringing back the ice layers

Now, handling the ice layers needs to be baked into the new code for medium changes.

First experiment, starting photons from below right and shooting them onto an ice layer, which is configured for instant absorption. Scattering and absorption lengths in the other layers is set to 1km.

bildschirmfoto 2018-03-10 um 15 48 14 bildschirmfoto 2018-03-10 um 15 49 48

In this second experiment, the top ice layer isn't set for instant absorption but for its regular properties, whereas the the other ice layers are configured for an interaction length of 1km.

bildschirmfoto 2018-03-10 um 15 53 51
fiedl commented 6 years ago

The following simulations are started with the same conditions and the same randomizing seed.

[2018-03-10 17:50:09] fiedl@fiedl-mbp ~/hole-ice-study/scripts/FiringRange master ⚡
▶ be ruby run.rb --distance=1.0 --number-of-runs=1 --number-of-parallel-runs=1 --save-photon-paths --cpu --angle=45 --number-of-photons=100 --plane-wave

With ice layers turned off:

no ice layers 2018-03-10 um 17 41 17

With ice layers turned on:

with ice layers 2018-03-10 um 17 33 52

As the starting conditions are the same, these shapes look almost the same. But there are several differences in details like little shifts or shortenings:


fiedl commented 6 years ago

Hole ice scattering experiment. Layers are turned on in both runs.

With 100 photons:

Without hole ice:

bildschirmfoto 2018-03-10 um 19 16 54

With hole ice:

bildschirmfoto 2018-03-10 um 19 16 08

With only 2 photons:

Without hole ice:

bildschirmfoto 2018-03-10 um 19 23 32

With hole ice:

bildschirmfoto 2018-03-10 um 19 21 21
fiedl commented 6 years ago

Ice tilt and ice anisotropy have been removed during this rewrite and need to be brought back. But I'll treat this as separate issue because this will be done at a later timer.

Apart from this, the rewrite is done.