fief-dev / fief

Users and authentication management SaaS
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Crash with TypeError on Fief's startup #201

Closed Kh-Oleg closed 1 year ago

Kh-Oleg commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

Fief crashes with TypeError on startup

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start Fief with predefined Admin Key in env variable (not sure if this is relevant)
  2. Observe the crash stack

Expected behavior

Normal startup


Additional context

Crash stack

2023-05-25 15:04:30.752 | INFO     | fief.worker:<module>:19 - Fief Worker started - {"version": "0.24.5"}
2023-05-25 15:04:30.767 | INFO     | dramatiq.cli:worker_process:412 - Worker process is ready for action. - {}
[2023-05-25 15:04:30,782] [PID 35] [MainThread] [dramatiq.ForkProcess(1)] [INFO] Fork process 'dramatiq.middleware.prometheus:_run_exposition_server' is ready for action.
/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/tzlocal/ UserWarning: Can not find any timezone configuration, defaulting to UTC.
  warnings.warn("Can not find any timezone configuration, defaulting to UTC.")
[2023-05-25 15:04:31,274] [PID 34] [MainThread] [dramatiq.ForkProcess(0)] [INFO] Fork process 'fief.scheduler:schedule' is ready for action.
[2023-05-25 15:04:31,275] [PID 34] [MainThread] [apscheduler.scheduler] [INFO] Adding job tentatively -- it will be properly scheduled when the scheduler starts
[2023-05-25 15:04:31,275] [PID 34] [MainThread] [apscheduler.scheduler] [INFO] Adding job tentatively -- it will be properly scheduled when the scheduler starts
[2023-05-25 15:04:31,276] [PID 34] [MainThread] [apscheduler.scheduler] [INFO] Added job "Actor.send" to job store "default"
[2023-05-25 15:04:31,276] [PID 34] [MainThread] [apscheduler.scheduler] [INFO] Added job "Actor.send" to job store "default"
[2023-05-25 15:04:31,277] [PID 34] [MainThread] [apscheduler.scheduler] [INFO] Scheduler started
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl SQLiteImpl.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade  -> 274bc650f9a2, Initial migration
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 274bc650f9a2 -> 696e383aabf2, Add alembic_revision column to Workspace
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 696e383aabf2 -> 4c2bb65882d7, Add database_ssl_mode to Workspace
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 4c2bb65882d7 -> 3b349d4ffa69, Add users_count column to Workspace
╭───────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ──────────────────────╮
│ /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/fief/ in run_server        │
│                                                                              │
│   479 │   │   │   │   except MainFiefAdminApiKeyAlreadyExists:               │
│   480 │   │   │   │   │   typer.secho("Main Fief admin API key already exist │
│   481 │                                                                      │
│ ❱ 482 │                                     │
│   483 │"", host=host, port=port)                  │
│   484                                                                        │
│   485                                                                        │
│                                                                              │
│ ╭───────────────────────────────── locals ─────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │           _pre_run_server = <function                                    │ │
│ │                             run_server.<locals>._pre_run_server at       │ │
│ │                             0x7f6fc540bba0>                              │ │
│ │ create_main_admin_api_key = True                                         │ │
│ │          create_main_user = True                                         │ │
│ │     create_main_workspace = True                                         │ │
│ │                      host = ''                                    │ │
│ │                   migrate = True                                         │ │
│ │                      port = 8001                                         │ │
│ ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
│                                                                              │
│ /usr/lib/python3.11/asyncio/ in run                            │
│                                                                              │
│   185 │   │   │   " cannot be called from a running event loop" │
│   186 │                                                                      │
│   187 │   with Runner(debug=debug) as runner:                                │
│ ❱ 188 │   │   return                                        │
│   189                                                                        │
│   190                                                                        │
│   191 def _cancel_all_tasks(loop):                                           │
│                                                                              │
│ ╭───────────────────────────────── locals ─────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │  debug = XXX                                                            │ │
│ │   main = <coroutine object run_server.<locals>._pre_run_server at        │ │
│ │          0x7f6fc5f662a0>                                                 │ │
│ │ runner = <asyncio.runners.Runner object at 0x7f6fc5417f90>               │ │
│ ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
│                                                                              │
│ /usr/lib/python3.11/asyncio/ in run                            │
│                                                                              │
│   117 │   │   try:                                                           │
│   118 │   │   │   if self._set_event_loop:                                   │
│   119 │   │   │   │   events.set_event_loop(self._loop)                      │
│ ❱ 120 │   │   │   return self._loop.run_until_complete(task)                 │
│   121 │   │   except exceptions.CancelledError:                              │
│   122 │   │   │   if self._interrupt_count > 0:                              │
│   123 │   │   │   │   uncancel = getattr(task, "uncancel", None)             │
│                                                                              │
│ ╭───────────────────────────────── locals ─────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │        context = <_contextvars.Context object at 0x7f6fc5417700>         │ │
│ │           coro = <coroutine object run_server.<locals>._pre_run_server   │ │
│ │                  at 0x7f6fc5f662a0>                                      │ │
│ │           self = <asyncio.runners.Runner object at 0x7f6fc5417f90>       │ │
│ │ sigint_handler = None                                                    │ │
│ │           task = <Task finished name='Task-1'                            │ │
│ │                  coro=<run_server.<locals>._pre_run_server() done,       │ │
│ │                  defined at                                              │ │
│ │                  /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/fief/… │ │
│ │                  exception=TypeError("'<=' not supported between         │ │
│ │                  instances of 'OptionInfo' and 'int'")>                  │ │
│ ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
│                                                                              │
│ /usr/lib/python3.11/asyncio/ in run_until_complete         │
│                                                                              │
│    647 │   │   if not future.done():                                         │
│    648 │   │   │   raise RuntimeError('Event loop stopped before Future comp │
│    649 │   │                                                                 │
│ ❱  650 │   │   return future.result()                                        │
│    651 │                                                                     │
│    652 │   def stop(self):                                                   │
│    653 │   │   """Stop running the event loop.                               │
│                                                                              │
│ ╭───────────────────────────────── locals ─────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │   future = <Task finished name='Task-1'                                  │ │
│ │            coro=<run_server.<locals>._pre_run_server() done, defined at  │ │
│ │            /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/fief/>      │ │
│ │            exception=TypeError("'<=' not supported between instances of  │ │
│ │            'OptionInfo' and 'int'")>                                     │ │
│ │ new_task = False                                                         │ │
│ │     self = <_UnixSelectorEventLoop running=False closed=True             │ │
│ │            debug=False>                                                  │ │
│ ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
│                                                                              │
│ /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/fief/ in _pre_run_server   │
│                                                                              │
│   408 │   async def _pre_run_server():                                       │
│   409 │   │   if migrate:                                                    │
│   410 │   │   │   migrate_main()                                             │
│ ❱ 411 │   │   │   migrate_workspaces()                                       │
│   412 │   │                                                                  │
│   413 │   │   if create_main_workspace:                                      │
│   414 │   │   │   from import (                 │
│                                                                              │
│ ╭───────────── locals ─────────────╮                                         │
│ │ create_main_admin_api_key = True │                                         │
│ │          create_main_user = True │                                         │
│ │     create_main_workspace = True │                                         │
│ │                   migrate = True │                                         │
│ ╰──────────────────────────────────╯                                         │
│                                                                              │
│ /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/fief/ in                   │
│ migrate_workspaces                                                           │
│                                                                              │
│   125 │   │   )                                                              │
│   126 │   │                                                                  │
│   127 │   │   migrations: dict[concurrent.futures.Future, Workspace] = {}    │
│ ❱ 128 │   │   with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(                   │
│   129 │   │   │   max_workers=max_workers                                    │
│   130 │   │   ) as executor:                                                 │
│   131 │   │   │   for workspace in session.execute(local_workspaces_query).s │
│                                                                              │
│ ╭───────────────────────────────── locals ─────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │     byod_workspaces_query = <sqlalchemy.sql.selectable.Select object at  │ │
│ │                             0x7f6fc4c92210>                              │ │
│ │              connect_args = {}                                           │ │
│ │                    engine = Engine(sqlite:////opt/src/fief.db)           │ │
│ │           latest_revision = 'deb3261a9742'                               │ │
│ │    local_workspaces_query = <sqlalchemy.sql.selectable.Select object at  │ │
│ │                             0x7f6fc4c862d0>                              │ │
│ │               max_workers = <typer.models.OptionInfo object at           │ │
│ │                             0x7f6fc62a9910>                              │ │
│ │                migrations = {}                                           │ │
│ │ outdated_workspaces_query = <sqlalchemy.sql.selectable.Select object at  │ │
│ │                             0x7f6fc514fc90>                              │ │
│ │                   Session = sessionmaker(class_='Session',               │ │
│ │                             bind=Engine(sqlite:////opt/src/fief.db),     │ │
│ │                             autoflush=True, expire_on_commit=True)       │ │
│ │                   session = <sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session object at    │ │
│ │                             0x7f6fc4c77550>                              │ │
│ │                  settings = Settings(                                    │ │
│ │                             │   environment=<Environment.PRODUCTION:     │ │
│ │                             'production'>,                               │ │
│ │                             │   log_level='INFO',                        │ │
│ │                             │   sentry_dsn_server=None,                  │ │
│ │                             │   sentry_dsn_worker=None,                  │ │
│ │                             │   telemetry_enabled=False,                 │ │
│ │                             │   root_domain='localhost:8001',            │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             allow_origin_regex='http://.*localhost:[0-9… │ │
│ │                             │   port=8001,                               │ │
│ │                             │   secret=XXX('**********'),          │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             encryption_key=b'f0iywuJAcl0k0m1CPoQTvuN8og… │ │
│ │                             │   generated_jwk_size=4096,                 │ │
│ │                             │   database_type=<DatabaseType.SQLITE:      │ │
│ │                             'SQLITE'>,                                   │ │
│ │                             │   database_url=None,                       │ │
│ │                             │   database_host=None,                      │ │
│ │                             │   database_port=None,                      │ │
│ │                             │   database_username=None,                  │ │
│ │                             │   database_password=None,                  │ │
│ │                             │   database_name='fief.db',                 │ │
│ │                             │   database_ssl_mode=None,                  │ │
│ │                             │   database_location=PosixPath('/opt/src'), │ │
│ │                             │   database_pool_recycle_seconds=600,       │ │
│ │                             │   database_pool_pre_ping=False,            │ │
│ │                             │   redis_url='redis://localhost:6379',      │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             email_provider=<AvailableEmailProvider.NULL: │ │
│ │                             'NULL'>,                                     │ │
│ │                             │   email_provider_params={},                │ │
│ │                             │   default_from_email='',   │ │
│ │                             │   default_from_name='Fief',                │ │
│ │                             │   workspace_table_prefix='fief_',          │ │
│ │                             │   csrf_check_enabled=True,                 │ │
│ │                             │   csrf_cookie_name='fief_csrftoken',       │ │
│ │                             │   csrf_cookie_secure=True,                 │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             session_data_cookie_name='fief_session_data… │ │
│ │                             │   session_data_cookie_domain='',           │ │
│ │                             │   session_data_cookie_secure=True,         │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             session_data_cookie_lifetime_seconds=None,   │ │
│ │                             │   user_locale_cookie_name='fief_locale',   │ │
│ │                             │   user_locale_cookie_domain='',            │ │
│ │                             │   user_locale_cookie_secure=True,          │ │
│ │                             │   user_locale_lifetime_seconds=2592000,    │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             login_hint_cookie_name='fief_login_hint',    │ │
│ │                             │   login_hint_cookie_domain='',             │ │
│ │                             │   login_hint_cookie_secure=True,           │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             login_hint_cookie_lifetime_seconds=2592000,  │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             login_session_cookie_name='fief_login_sessi… │ │
│ │                             │   login_session_cookie_domain='',          │ │
│ │                             │   login_session_cookie_secure=True,        │ │
│ │                             │   login_session_lifetime_seconds=600,      │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             registration_session_cookie_name='fief_regi… │ │
│ │                             │   registration_session_cookie_domain='',   │ │
│ │                             │   registration_session_cookie_secure=True, │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             registration_session_lifetime_seconds=600,   │ │
│ │                             │   oauth_session_lifetime_seconds=600,      │ │
│ │                             │   session_cookie_name='fief_session',      │ │
│ │                             │   session_cookie_domain='',                │ │
│ │                             │   session_cookie_secure=True,              │ │
│ │                             │   session_lifetime_seconds=2592000,        │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             default_authorization_code_lifetime_seconds… │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             default_access_id_token_lifetime_seconds=86… │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             default_refresh_token_lifetime_seconds=2592… │ │
│ │                             │   fief_domain='localhost:8001',            │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             fief_client_id='35… │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             fief_client_secret='aa… │ │
│ │                             │   fief_encryption_key=None,                │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             fief_main_user_email='admin@domain.integr… │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             fief_main_user_password=SecretStr('********… │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             fief_main_admin_api_key=SecretStr('********… │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             fief_admin_session_cookie_name='fief_admin_… │ │
│ │                             │   fief_admin_session_cookie_domain='',     │ │
│ │                             │   fief_admin_session_cookie_secure=True,   │ │
│ │                             │                                            │ │
│ │                             fief_documentation_url='https://docs.fief.d… │ │
│ │                             │   webhooks_max_attempts=5                  │ │
│ │                             )                                            │ │
│ │                       url = sqlite:////opt/src/fief.db                   │ │
│ │                 Workspace = <class 'fief.models.workspace.Workspace'>    │ │
│ │              workspace_db = <… │ │
│ │                             object at 0x7f6fc4c75410>                    │ │
│ ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
│                                                                              │
│ /usr/lib/python3.11/concurrent/futures/ in __init__            │
│                                                                              │
│   636 │   │   │   │   self._max_workers = min(_MAX_WINDOWS_WORKERS,          │
│   637 │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │   self._max_workers)             │
│   638 │   │   else:                                                          │
│ ❱ 639 │   │   │   if max_workers <= 0:                                       │
│   640 │   │   │   │   raise ValueError("max_workers must be greater than 0") │
│   641 │   │   │   elif (sys.platform == 'win32' and                          │
│   642 │   │   │   │   max_workers > _MAX_WINDOWS_WORKERS):                   │
│                                                                              │
│ ╭───────────────────────────────── locals ─────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │            initargs = ()                                                 │ │
│ │         initializer = None                                               │ │
│ │ max_tasks_per_child = None                                               │ │
│ │         max_workers = <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f6fc62a9910> │ │
│ │          mp_context = None                                               │ │
│ │                self = <concurrent.futures.process.ProcessPoolExecutor    │ │
│ │                       object at 0x7f6fc4c93e90>                          │ │
│ ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
TypeError: '<=' not supported between instances of 'OptionInfo' and 'int'
fief-bailiff[bot] commented 1 year ago

Hail, @Kh-Oleg 👋

I've noticed you shared secret values: secret, encryption_key. Those are highly sensitive and you should keep them secret.

For your security, I've taken the liberty to replace them with dummy values.

frankie567 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the report @Kh-Oleg! I made a hotfix, that'll be part of 0.24.7!