fief-dev / fief

Users and authentication management SaaS
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Mixture of language #379

Open meteoDaniel opened 4 weeks ago

meteoDaniel commented 4 weeks ago

Describe the bug

On the login screen, there is a mixture of languages when locale settings detects German.

To Reproduce


Expected behavior

Don't have an account? and I forgot my passowrd should be in German language or all other Fields have to be in English.


Fief version: 0.28.6

Additional context

A work around for us could be to switch off the automatic translation and keep english. How can we do that?

frankie567 commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm, yes, there are some quirks with the translations sometimes.

We do not have a global setting right now, but you can enforce it when redirecting your users using the lang parameter on the authorize URL: