fief-dev / fief

Users and authentication management SaaS
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Let User field to be required to be unique #380

Closed fubuloubu closed 1 month ago

fubuloubu commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

If you want to add a field that should be globally unique (within a tenent) such as a username, it is currently not possible to specify that

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'User fields'
  2. Click on 'Create User Field'
  3. No way to add unique constraint on field

Expected behavior

A checkbox in this form that adds a UNIQUE constraint on the field should be available, at least on some field types such as string, phone number, maybe address, etc.


Additional context

I want to protect the privacy of my user's emails by only allowing account search via username

fief-bailiff[bot] commented 1 month ago

Hail, @fubuloubu 👋 Welcome to Fief's kingdom!

Our team will get back to you very soon to help.

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