field33 / plow

Plow - The ontology package manager
Apache License 2.0
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Add visualization or list of ontology classes and properties #31

Open alexkreidler opened 1 year ago

alexkreidler commented 1 year ago

The ontology registry seems like a great idea. It would be nice if I could read a bit about what types of entities and relationships the ontology describes directly on the site rather than looking up the ontology elsewhere (or following the Github link). Also, you could embed WebVOWL on a tab in the page so users could explore it visually.

hobofan commented 1 year ago

It would be nice if I could read a bit about what types of entities and relationships the ontology describes directly on the site

That actually does exist! When viewing a field, there is a "Documentation" subpage available via the sidebar on the left:


That will lead you to a list segmented by concept types: e.g. the AnnotationProperties for the FOAF ontology:

Maybe we'll have to make this link a bit more prominent? 🤔

Also, you could embed WebVOWL on a tab in the page so users could explore it visually.

We have explored that in the past, but haven't found a way yet to integrate something like this in a way that fits well into our tech stack without introducing some instability to the system or that has a significant amount of integration work.

I think that is something that we will ultimately want to have, we just haven't found a way to integrate that properly yet. (We also have quite a bit of ontology visualization-related things built for our main product, of which we might open source and reuse things for a visualizer in the registry, but also no concrete plans there yet.)