fieldOfView / Cura-MaterialSettingsPlugin

A Cura plugin that lets the user select which print settings are available on the Materials pane of the preferences.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Filament diameter not saving info on exit #11

Closed RicXXX closed 2 years ago

RicXXX commented 4 years ago

Hello, thanks for the plugin.

I've just updated Cura to 4.5.0 I've also installed the plugin "printer setting" that allowed me to change the filament diameter.

But with the new Cura release, the material setting plugin do not save (on exit from Cura) the "Diameter", so I cannot have a profile saved for any filament. The other settings are saved.

Thanks to have a look.

fieldOfView commented 4 years ago

I think you meant to post this here: Shall I move it over?

RicXXX commented 4 years ago

Hello, If you think it is appropriate, thanks to move it there. Ric

Il giorno mer 26 feb 2020 alle ore 19:13 Aldo Hoeben <> ha scritto:

I think you meant to post this here: Shall I move it over?

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fieldOfView commented 4 years ago

Could you try if this just happens with the Diameter setting, or also with other settings in the "Printer" category?

RicXXX commented 4 years ago

Test done. It happens only with the "Diameter" setting.

Il giorno ven 28 feb 2020 alle ore 10:02 Aldo Hoeben <> ha scritto:

Could you try if this just happens with the Diameter setting, or also with other settings in the "Printer" category?

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fieldOfView commented 4 years ago

I can't reproduce this.

Things I did:

Is there something you do that is fundamentally different from what I do?

fieldOfView commented 4 years ago

Wait, I just reread you issue again.

If you have changed the "Diameter" setting in the printer settings floating panel (or sidebar), that setting will always override what is set on the Materials pane of the preferences. Could that be the issue you are encountering?

RicXXX commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for your reply.

I still believe it's a problem of the material setting plugin, that do not store the diameter setting more then a printer setting issue... This problem started from Cura 4.5 update.

Anyway this is the bug: In the printer setting I have the standard 1.75. But I would like to make my filament database, setting the diameter for any filament, as any filament has a slightly different diameter, and it is something that I would like to set in the slicer. (that is something that Cura managed before 4.5 update and that other slicer can manage)

So in the material setting I create:

I can select PLA1 or PLA2 in cura and Cura modify the standard diameter setting (that I can monitor within the printer setting) and Cura uses the diameter I've indicated in the material setting.

BUT (THIS IS THE BUG) when I close and re-open Cura, both PLA1 and PLA2 (in the material setting) loose the diameter that i've set (1,8 and 1,7) and both are back at 1.75 (that is the default value).

As you said, if Cura overide the material setting diameter with the printer setting, overwriting the material setting to the default value, this is the issue.

BUT it is a mistake, because different filaments should have the possibility to have different diameters (and not only the standard diameter). Moreover, This problem only happen with the diameter setting and not with other parameters. For instance I've setted a different z-offset for some material (PETG z-offset 0,08) and it is not override by the standard setting (that is zero) when I close and re-open Cura.

Thanks for any improvement on this, I still believe a good filaments database is an important requirement for a slicer.

Waiting your feedback. Regards Ric

fieldOfView commented 4 years ago

Aha! Thanks for those reproduction steps.

I have moved the issue back to the MaterialSettingsPlugin repo (sorry for my confusion there). I have reproduced the issue. There is an interesting issue going where it is possible to set the diameter both in the "Information" tab and in the "Print settings" tab. However, things are not working correctly either if you enter/change the diameter on the "Information" tab, so the fix may have to be in Cura instead of in this plugin. I will look in to it.

RicXXX commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your quick reply. The information tab never worked. Diameter value there are not store (if you modify the diameter, close the tab and then open the tab again value is back at 1.75). And I believe it is just a text field, without any effect on the printer setting nor the slicer.

Thanks for your time and effort.

fieldOfView commented 4 years ago

Could you try this development snapshot? Download the file, and drop it onto the Cura buildplate as if you were opening a 3d model.

It is no longer possible to show the "Diameter" setting in the "Print settings" tab, but the field in the "Information" tab should now work.

RicXXX commented 4 years ago

Installed (uninstall the standard version, reboot, install the downloaded file, reboot). But it does NOT work.

Now the diameter setting is not available in the material printer setting tab (just to confirm I have installed the new version of the material setting plugin) I open the material information tab and change the diameter. But when I close and re-open the material information tab the diameter is back at 1.75.

I believe the material-information tab provide just information. The printer setting are in the other tab (material-printer setting tab) With the previous plugin version (the one available in the market) the material-printer setting tab was working: if I changed the diameter setting in the material-printer setting tab, the diameter was modified also in the slicer sidebar within the printer settings menu. The problem was that closing and re-opening Cura the diameter in the material-printer setting tab was not stored and back to the default value (1.75)

P.S. it is important to see the diameter in the sidebar printer setting (or somewhere in the slicer) to verify that the slice is done with the right diameter setting

fieldOfView commented 4 years ago

I believe the material-information tab provide just information.

It should be functional. When you enter a value in there, that value should carry over to the sidebar - unless there is a value "higher up" the settings stack (eg in the selected quality profile).

There is a bug in Cura that makes the Diameter field on the Information tab not quite work, but for me the development snapshot fixes that bug. The Diameter value in the sidebar updates, and both the value in the sidebar and the Information tab stay the value I set them to. We have to find out why it does not work for you.

Could you try clicking into another field (eg the "Density" field) after you change the value? Another thing to try is using the up/down arrows on the right side of the field. If neither of those workarounds work, could you please zip up your entire configuration folder and send me a link at aldo(at)fieldofview(dot).com?

PS: The Diameter field in the Information tab has an additional important function: it warns the user when the material diameter is changed to a diameter that is incompatible with the current printer (eg a 2.85 mm diameter for a printer that uses 1.75 mm material). This is why I removed the functionality of having the Diameter field also available in the Print settings tab.

RicXXX commented 4 years ago

Looks to be SOLVED

Could you try clicking into another field (eg the "Density" field) after you change the value?

Another thing to try is using the up/down arrows on the right side of the field.

I was already using the arrows , it looks like this was the reason why it did not go into the slicer sidebar If I change the value writing in the field (or use the arrow and then highlight the same field value), the new value goes into the slicer sidebar menu and it is store in the material-information tab. (Anyway I'm sure this was not the solution for the previous market version, because in the material-printer setting tab, the changed values were going to the slicer, but were not stored closing and re-opening Cura).

THANKS so much for your job, effort and time. We solved the issue.

Will I receive update of the material setting plugin with the "beta" version installed or I will have to re-install it from the market?

P.S. In the multiple test I did, I noticed that if the Material is created using "duplicate" instead of "create" it is important to click the "Unlink the material" button, just below the warning "This material is linked to PLA and shares some of its properties". Otherwise, even if the value is store in the material-information tab (with the procedure described above), it will not go in the slicer sidebar.

fieldOfView commented 4 years ago

Good to know you have a working solution, and thanks for the additional pointers to check out (linked materials and using the spinbox arrows). I’ll investigate both.

fieldOfView commented 4 years ago

Will I receive update of the material setting plugin with the "beta" version installed or I will have to re-install it from the market?

Once a new release is "up" on the Marketplace, you will receive a notification in Cura that a new version is available just like it would be if you had not installed this development snapshot.

RicXXX commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the professional support. Ciao Ric

fieldOfView commented 4 years ago

I'm keeping this open to track the remaining couple of small things.

(it took me long enough to understand your issue properly...)

RicXXX commented 4 years ago

I'm keeping this open to track the remaining couple of small things. (it took me long enough to understand your issue properly...)

Perfect. If you need some tester I'm available.