fieldOfView / Cura-MaterialSettingsPlugin

A Cura plugin that lets the user select which print settings are available on the Materials pane of the preferences.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Flow ratio not set in Cura 4.6.1 #12

Closed RobsonMi closed 4 years ago

RobsonMi commented 4 years ago


In Cura 4.6.1 Flow setting from material profile doesn't affect quality profile setting. Initial layer flow settings does work though. So it seems there is some change of xml param names? Can this be looked at?


fieldOfView commented 4 years ago

In Cura 4.6.1 Flow setting from material profile doesn't affect quality profile setting.

This probably means that there is a value "higher up" in the setting stack that overrides what is set in the material. One of your quality profiles probably includes a value for the flow. The next version of the plugin will include a way to overrule the override.

Can you save a project (File -> Save...) and post a link here so I can confirm this is the case?

RobsonMi commented 4 years ago

Hi! I went digging real quick and you are 100% right. Both profiles I use had flow setting. When removed it all works as advertised. Awesome job this plugin! And this override feature would be awesome to have. Also can you please think of a way to update material settings from main custom profile settings list? So that when flow, temp or whatever setting is adjusted instead of storing it in quality profile it gets stored in material profile, provided it's selected as material bound parameter? This would add a lot to workflow.

fieldOfView commented 4 years ago

Awesome job this plugin!

Glad you like it.

Also can you please think of a way to update material settings from main custom profile settings list?

No, because that is not how Cura works. I try not to fight against the architecture of Cura. All settings can be set (and have a place) in all of the levels of the settings stack.