fieldOfView / Cura-MaterialSettingsPlugin

A Cura plugin that lets the user select which print settings are available on the Materials pane of the preferences.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
13 stars 5 forks source link

The readme is very slim #17

Closed charlespick closed 2 years ago

charlespick commented 2 years ago

Hey, I want to use this plugin to store linear advance information for each of my filaments in Cura but I can't figure out how to use it. Where do you configure what settings are filament specific?

fieldOfView commented 2 years ago

Currently you configure that via Extensions -> Material Settings -> Configure Material Settings.

fieldOfView commented 2 years ago

The next version of this plugin will have a different way of "adding" settings to a material, directly from the materials preference pane instead of going through the Extensions menu. But there are still some hurdles to take for that change.

fieldOfView commented 2 years ago

Closed, since the instructions of how to add settings are now added to the readme.