fieldOfView / Cura-MaterialSettingsPlugin

A Cura plugin that lets the user select which print settings are available on the Materials pane of the preferences.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Update for Cura API7 #4

Closed sharkovich closed 4 years ago

sharkovich commented 4 years ago


After Cura update to 4.4, this plugin stopped working. I took a liberty to update it to be compatible with APIv7. I have close to little experience with Python and virtually none in developing Cura plugins, but it works for me after my changes. Feel free to review them.

fieldOfView commented 4 years ago

It is on my todo list, but so were my other plugins. This plugin patches the Materials page, and the patches are "a bit" of work to update.

fieldOfView commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the contribution and sorry for letting this linger.

I had to make sure that the plugin also works for Cura 3.5-4.3; I can only publish a single version of the plugin that should be compatible with all versions, or the plugin will become unavailable for all older versions of Cura.