fieldOfView / Cura-Plugins

Requests and discussions about Cura plugins that don't have a repository of their own
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Help request for Cura plugin #15

Open Life0fBrian opened 10 months ago

Life0fBrian commented 10 months ago

Hello Aldo,

I'm trying to write my own plugin but did not dive deep enough in all this matter to get it done on my own. I already inserted a new parameter with three drop-down options into the Dual Extruder category successfully. But now I don't know how to proceed... This new parameter needs to be made available to the slicer start code to be processed by Klipper. Best would be a custom variable I can pass to the start macro. This might be done via _self.filterGcode but then I have to insert it manually without a variable that could be used in the start code?! My intention is to react on an event when this parameter has changed but I did not find any reference in your projects to use. With this way I could also implement a nice to have feature that reduces the machine_width to 50% and somehow the build plate that is displayed in Cura as well. Maybe you can give me some hints. I mean if an object is on the buid plate and I change my custom parameter the scene is being sliced again, so there is hopefully some function to step in on such changes.

Thanks for reading and maybe some help,


Life0fBrian commented 10 months ago

Ok, just out of curiosity generated GCODE and wrote my parameter in the start code and this works like a charm. :) Then I only need a hint or help on how to get on the event of changing my custom parameter to somehow adjust the buildvolume in Cura.