fieldmuseum / EMu-Documentation

Field Museum documentation for EMu workflows, structural changes, and standardization.
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Topic 24: Deaccession Tab #1109

Open rondlg opened 2 weeks ago

rondlg commented 2 weeks ago

DISCUSSION POINTS: Can a deaccession workflow for large deaccessions (e.g. repatriations) exist in the Transactions Module

rondlg commented 2 weeks ago

DECISION(S): Yes. See structural changes document New Tabs.

DATA CHANGES: Move data from Consultations module to Transactions Post Development. Data Changes Doc Pre new development Post development NOTE: There are 213 conservation records attached to 2 legacy events.

Groups of records: “Standards - events2consultations(Deacc)” - efmnhrepatriation “Standards - Records attached to Deacc events” - econservation