DISCUSSION POINTS: In some cases, credit line should read through from attached rights in AccRightsDetailsRef_tab. However, if multiple rights are attached, which one’s RigAcknolwedgement value should read through?
Add a “preferred” field to Right details group box
Add logic to AccCreditLine: only read-through if an attached rights record is set to preferred = Yes; otherwise, it remains text-editable
Post-dev data: users to update records
Update efmnhtransactions records with attached rights to indicate if the attachment is preferred (& credit line should read through), or if it is not preferred, and credit line needs to remain editable text in efmnhtransactions.
DISCUSSION POINTS: In some cases, credit line should read through from attached rights in AccRightsDetailsRef_tab. However, if multiple rights are attached, which one’s RigAcknolwedgement value should read through?