fieldmuseum / EMu-Documentation

Field Museum documentation for EMu workflows, structural changes, and standardization.
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Updates to transaction lookup lists will be needed post development #1122

Open rondlg opened 3 weeks ago

rondlg commented 3 weeks ago

RECOMMENDATION: Make this a 4 level hierarchy instead of 3 by including the Transactio Type

*Transaction Catalog


Level 1 Level 2
Botany TBD
Geology Fossil Invertebrates, Fossil Vertebrates, Paleobotany, Physical Geology
Zoology Amphibians & Reptiles, Birds, Fishes, Insects, Invertebrates, Mammals
Exhibitions TBD
Library Library, Photo Archives
For all groups Level 3 Level 4
Accession Bequest, Collected, Commissioned, Deposit, Exchange, Field Work (replaces: expedition, field trip, museum collected), Found in Collection, Gift, Partial Gift, Purchase, Transfer
Acquisition Purchase
Deaccession TBD
Loan Exchange; Loan; Returned to Country of Origin; Tissue Grant; Transfer/Gift; Trans-shipment

DEPRECATE: Accession Type

Values: Bequest, Collected, Commissioned, Deposit, Exchange, Field Work (replaces: expedition, field trip, museum collected), Found in Collection, Gift, Partial Gift, Purchase, Transfer

DEPRECATE: Transaction Type

rondlg commented 3 weeks ago

NEW: Loan Purpose

Values: Analysis, Conservation, Determination, Exhibition, Public Outreach, Research

NEW: Contact Role

Values: Loan Manager, PR Contact, For Use By, Institution, Authorized By, Processed By, Acknowledged By, Address

NEW: Direction

Values: Internal, External

NEW: Reason

Values: Condition, Duplicate/redundant, Not appropriate for collection, Other, Provenance, Repatriation, Disposition

NEW: Return Status

Values: Full; Partial

NEW: Weight Units

Values: lbs kg

rondlg commented 3 weeks ago

See also