fieldmuseum / EMu-Documentation

Field Museum documentation for EMu workflows, structural changes, and standardization.
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enarratives Topic 4: How to handle Approvals/Authorisations? #141

Open rondlg opened 2 years ago

rondlg commented 2 years ago

DISCUSSION POINTS: There is a field on the Details tab (y/n) called “Approval”, there is a whole tab called “Authorisation” (AllAutTab) and also the Tasks tab. How should we standardise the process for recording approvals?

rondlg commented 2 years ago

DECISION(S): We are eliminating the Approval? Field (NarFMNHApproval_tab) from the Contributors group box on the Details tags and using the Authorization tab (AllAutTab) for all “approvals.”

DATA CHANGES: Data Changes Doc Pre new development: #10; #4 Post development:

rondlg commented 11 months ago

In collaboration with NMAI the Approvals tab is now called Actions. Available in v9

rondlg commented 1 month ago

Data transferred to AllAutTab fields


rondlg commented 1 month ago

If might be possible to extract the date from audit for some records but this is a "nice to have" not a "need to have". Moving forward the AutActionDate0 field should be filled in.

rondlg commented 1 month ago

The last step is to make the NarFMNHApproval field readonly

rondlg commented 1 month ago

upload csv: approval.csv