fieldmuseum / EMu-Documentation

Field Museum documentation for EMu workflows, structural changes, and standardization.
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emultimedia Topic 23: How to handle rescans of Photo Archives Collections items? #248

Open rondlg opened 2 years ago

rondlg commented 2 years ago

DISCUSSION POINTS: In the absence of a Photo Archives catalogue that documents the actual physical items in that collection how do we hang on to rescans appropriately. Ideally separate multimedia records should be created for each new scan unless a new resolution was generated from an archive file (dng) that is already in EMu -- i.e., a new version that has ONLY been resized and NOT recropped, recolored or changed in any way other than rescaling while maintaining the same ratio of width/height. In this case we need a way to keep the old file and the new one together, should that be in the same MM record rather than a new one?

For more background JIRA:

rondlg commented 2 years ago

DECISION(S): Create a Photo Archives catalogue (See separate Library catalogue documents for details) to properly catalogue the items, multiple multimedia records can then be attached as necessary. Pre-dev see workflow for how to catalogue rescans.

DATA CHANGES: Data Changes Doc Pre new development: Post development: # 61 (& ecatalogue # 78)