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esites Topic 3: Uncertainty / Qualifiers [DECISION] #3

Closed rondlg closed 1 month ago

rondlg commented 2 years ago

DISCUSSION POINTS: Where do we record uncertainty about a collection site? In the catalogue or verbatim? Or where? Report back to the catalogues. Same issues as qualifying taxonomic determinations.

How do we handle uncertain localities that need to have one or more country level records associated with them (e.g. Peru/Ecuador, etc.)? For continents we use AND and OR (See topic 6: The Unknown Continent). Should we do the same with the country? If we do that, what happens to the ISO codes, do we include both? The field probably isn’t big enough to hold more than 2?

rondlg commented 2 years ago

DECISION(S): This will be recorded in the collection event. Method for pre-development cleanup:

Add the value/term "uncertain" to the Precise Location (LocPreciseLocation) field and copy the summary line info with the question marks into the Locality Remarks (LocLocalityRemarks) field to we can see where the question marks were before removing them. This is an intermediary step until the new qualifier fields are added in collectionevents for the collection location and also on the Provenience tab in the catalogue module for other site attachments. The value uncertain will be added to one or other of those new qualifier fields as appropriate.

Where there is a question as to which country a thing is from: Precise Location: “uncertain country” - do not duplicate the country string here. Country Field: “ISO country 1” or “ISO country 2” in alphabetical order lower case “or” NOTE that this field has a character limit!

rondlg commented 2 years ago

DATA CHANGES: Data Changes Doc

Pre new development: #12 Post development: #13

rondlg commented 1 year ago



rondlg commented 1 month ago
