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etaxonomy Topic 7: Validity and Availability Tabs #507

Open rondlg opened 2 years ago

rondlg commented 2 years ago


There are currently 4 Availability/Validity tabs for Botany & Zoology

When do “Availability” values affect “Validity” values? e.g., If something is valid, can it be available/not? etc? Zoology (When ClaApplicableCode = “ICZN” or “ICZN-P”) Level 2 = “Available” Level 3 = “Valid” or “Invalid” Level 4 = If “Invalid” “Subjectively Invalid” or “Objectively Invalid” Level 2 = “Unavailable” [no level 3 values permitted]

Botany (When ClaApplicableCode = “ICBN” or “ICBN-P”) Level 2 = “Valid” Level 3 = “Legitimate” or “Illegitimate” [Other Statuses include “Conserved”, “Rejected”] Level 2 = “Invalid” [no level 3 values permitted]

[Notes from Adam:] Available + Valid = ok Available + Invalid = ok Unavailable + Valid = NOT ok Unavailable + Invalid = NOT ok An available name can be either valid or invalid An available name must be valid An unavailable name is neither an invalid or valid name (basically we should never use this one)

[Notes from Nancy H & Fred Barrie]: Valid + Legitimate = ok Valid + Illegitimate = ok Legitimacy, Conserved & Rejected don’t apply if name is invalid.

ICBN/ICN "Valid" = ICZN "Available" ICZN "Valid" = correct name for taxon to be adopted under the rules. ICBN doesn't have a formal term for this, just "correct name", which is always relative to the particular treatment being followed. (The ICBN doesn't determine correct names.) ICBN/ICN "Legitimate" is a technical term referring to the violation of certain rules. It doesn't have an equivalent term in ICZN.

Added by Nancy, 31 Oct 2018 Proposed Field values for Botany in this spreadsheet (NH)

We need to represent Conserved Names -- they don’t belong under Validity or Legitimacy headings. They also need functionality for relating Conserved Name to Rejected Name, in most (not all) cases. Can this go on Avail/Valid/Legit tab? Logic is here:

rondlg commented 2 years ago

DECISION(S): Merge all 4 tabs (2 zoology and 2 botany) into a single tab with specific lookup lists for Zoology and Botany (combine lists from Name Status fields in both tabs).

Note: The following fields on the DEPRECATED: AllPriTab (“Primary Citation”) are duplicated fields from Validity/Combination Tab and not needed any more

DATA CHANGES: Data Changes Doc Pre new development ID# 10, 11, 17 Post development

rondlg commented 9 months ago

Validity/Legitimacy Validity/Availability

Tabs and functionality merged into 2 tabs.

rondlg commented 1 month ago

This is available in v9