fieldmuseum / EMu-Documentation

Field Museum documentation for EMu workflows, structural changes, and standardization.
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etaxonomy Topic 17: IdeConfidence_tab field - how to use? #519

Open rondlg opened 2 years ago

rondlg commented 2 years ago


NH Action: Used only for 'sensu stricto' and 'sensu lato' and 'complex' To me, these should be included as a category of "Qualifier" and there's no reason to treat separately. The title "Confidence" applies more closely to "cf." and "aff." qualifiers than to "sensu lato" and "sensu stricto" which refer to the species concept being used in making the identification. But they all are used as part of the identification citation so it makes sense to group in one field. --- Agree with Nancy's assessment BOT [CN] -- Darwin core outs it here:

rondlg commented 2 years ago


Rework the AllIdeTab to have a separate “Qualifiers” group box and relabel fields as “ID qualifier”, “ID qualifer Rank” and “Taxon Qualifier”. The logic that generates the Qualified name can then stay as it is. See catalogue structural changes.

DATA CHANGES: Data Changes Doc

rondlg commented 9 months ago

This is an ecatalogue change request.