fieldmuseum / EMu-Documentation

Field Museum documentation for EMu workflows, structural changes, and standardization.
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eparties Topic 1: AllPerTab - NamSource & External Source #61

Open rondlg opened 2 years ago

rondlg commented 2 years ago


Source of Information is the primary collection using the party record.

Can we limit the SOI to the following departments?

FMNH Master Exhibitions Master Geology Master Zoology Master The Security Department field for these MUST include: [record owner’s specific department] AND Zoology Action Master Anthropology Master Library Master - no records Photo Archives Master - may later on be merged into Library Master Botany Master These are now cleaned up. (IH - what is the source? Can others use these party records? If SOI can be multi-value, can we list IH, then FMNH master?) - Decision: No, handle this in security.

rondlg commented 2 years ago


field will change from text to locked drop-down list. Only EMu Admins will have access to add other Sources of Information. Sources of Information should be singular (not multi-value) and be either:

“FMNH Master” -- for any new records or “\division\ Master” (e.g. Fishes Master) -- for existing [not new] records

A record should be designated as FMNH Master if it is being entered for the first time (ie you should have checked and for existing records).

The Department field on Security Tab will allow setup of search defaults and permissions for editing privileges.

rondlg commented 2 years ago

DATA CHANGES: Data Changes Doc


Post: n/a - lookup list will be locked.