fieldmuseum / EMu-xml-to-json

A script to convert EMu XML exports to JSON
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Add measurements fields #15

Open magpiedin opened 2 years ago

magpiedin commented 2 years ago

From the 'Measurements' (AllMea2Tab) tab in EMu, add measurement fields to the H2I/DwC export:

& map the above to DwC MeasurementOrFact extension terms

@rondlg - if the above makes sense,

(& for measurement data/example: ecatalogue irn 1010297)

rondlg commented 2 years ago

I little belatedly, but I think they can go into the main h2i mappings/conditions because they will always be need as part of the cultural output. Also I took the measurements from ltc as it's more flexible and eventually gives us the textual Property:measurementFactText