fieldsoftheworld / ftw-baselines

Code for running baseline models/experiments with the Fields of The World dataset
MIT License
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Inference example not working? #14

Open pkopparla opened 3 days ago

pkopparla commented 3 days ago


I ran the inference example in the readme:

python --win_a "" --win_b "" --output_fn inference_imagery/austria_example.tif
python --input_fn inference_imagery/austria_example.tif --model_fn FTW-25-Experiment-1-1-4_model.ckpt --output_fn austria_example_output.tif --gpu 0 --overwrite --resize_factor 2

The pixels are uniformly 0 everywhere (checked with np.unique(band_data)) and plotting also gives me a blank plot. Can't seem to attach my output file here (geotif not accepted) How should I try to fix this?

Very nice UX with just running inference on STAC items btw, usually there's some very painful stuff like downloading imagery by hand, splitting into image patches, normalizing etc.

pkopparla commented 3 days ago

Here is the gdalinfo for the output file from the inference: $ gdalinfo -stats austria_example_output.tif ERROR 1: austria_example_output.tif, band 1: Failed to compute statistics, no valid pixels found in sampling. Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF Files: austria_example_output.tif Size is 10980, 10980 Coordinate System is: PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 33N", BASEGEOGCRS["WGS 84", DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984", ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563, LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]], ID["EPSG",4326]], CONVERSION["UTM zone 33N", METHOD["Transverse Mercator", ID["EPSG",9807]], PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0, ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], ID["EPSG",8801]], PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",15, ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], ID["EPSG",8802]], PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996, SCALEUNIT["unity",1], ID["EPSG",8805]], PARAMETER["False easting",500000, LENGTHUNIT["metre",1], ID["EPSG",8806]], PARAMETER["False northing",0, LENGTHUNIT["metre",1], ID["EPSG",8807]]], CS[Cartesian,2], AXIS["(E)",east, ORDER[1], LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]], AXIS["(N)",north, ORDER[2], LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]], USAGE[ SCOPE["Navigation and medium accuracy spatial referencing."], AREA["Between 12°E and 18°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Austria. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Cameroon. Central African Republic. Chad. Congo. Croatia. Czechia. Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire). Gabon. Germany. Hungary. Italy. Libya. Malta. Niger. Nigeria. Norway. Poland. San Marino. Slovakia. Slovenia. Svalbard. Sweden. Vatican City State."], BBOX[0,12,84,18]], ID["EPSG",32633]] Data axis to CRS axis mapping: 1,2 Origin = (300000.000000000000000,5400000.000000000000000) Pixel Size = (10.000000000000000,-10.000000000000000) Metadata: AREA_OR_POINT=Area Image Structure Metadata: COMPRESSION=LZW INTERLEAVE=BAND PREDICTOR=2 Corner Coordinates: Upper Left ( 300000.000, 5400000.000) ( 12d16'50.31"E, 48d43'15.29"N) Lower Left ( 300000.000, 5290200.000) ( 12d19'56.85"E, 47d44' 2.96"N) Upper Right ( 409800.000, 5400000.000) ( 13d46'22.78"E, 48d44'47.33"N) Lower Right ( 409800.000, 5290200.000) ( 13d47'47.05"E, 47d45'31.88"N) Center ( 354900.000, 5345100.000) ( 13d 2'44.25"E, 48d14'33.00"N) Band 1 Block=512x512 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Palette NoData Value=0 Metadata: STATISTICS_VALID_PERCENT=0 Color Table (RGB with 256 entries) 0: 0,0,0,0 1: 0,255,0,255 2: 255,0,0,255 3: 0,0,0,255 4: 0,0,0,255 5: 0,0,0,255 6: 0,0,0,255 7: 0,0,0,255 8: 0,0,0,255 9: 0,0,0,255 10: 0,0,0,255 11: 0,0,0,255 12: 0,0,0,255 13: 0,0,0,255 14: 0,0,0,255 15: 0,0,0,255 16: 0,0,0,255 17: 0,0,0,255 18: 0,0,0,255 19: 0,0,0,255 20: 0,0,0,255 21: 0,0,0,255 22: 0,0,0,255 23: 0,0,0,255 24: 0,0,0,255 25: 0,0,0,255 26: 0,0,0,255 27: 0,0,0,255 28: 0,0,0,255 29: 0,0,0,255 30: 0,0,0,255 31: 0,0,0,255 32: 0,0,0,255 33: 0,0,0,255 34: 0,0,0,255 35: 0,0,0,255 36: 0,0,0,255 37: 0,0,0,255 38: 0,0,0,255 39: 0,0,0,255 40: 0,0,0,255 41: 0,0,0,255 42: 0,0,0,255 43: 0,0,0,255 44: 0,0,0,255 45: 0,0,0,255 46: 0,0,0,255 47: 0,0,0,255 48: 0,0,0,255 49: 0,0,0,255 50: 0,0,0,255 51: 0,0,0,255 52: 0,0,0,255 53: 0,0,0,255 54: 0,0,0,255 55: 0,0,0,255 56: 0,0,0,255 57: 0,0,0,255 58: 0,0,0,255 59: 0,0,0,255 60: 0,0,0,255 61: 0,0,0,255 62: 0,0,0,255 63: 0,0,0,255 64: 0,0,0,255 65: 0,0,0,255 66: 0,0,0,255 67: 0,0,0,255 68: 0,0,0,255 69: 0,0,0,255 70: 0,0,0,255 71: 0,0,0,255 72: 0,0,0,255 73: 0,0,0,255 74: 0,0,0,255 75: 0,0,0,255 76: 0,0,0,255 77: 0,0,0,255 78: 0,0,0,255 79: 0,0,0,255 80: 0,0,0,255 81: 0,0,0,255 82: 0,0,0,255 83: 0,0,0,255 84: 0,0,0,255 85: 0,0,0,255 86: 0,0,0,255 87: 0,0,0,255 88: 0,0,0,255 89: 0,0,0,255 90: 0,0,0,255 91: 0,0,0,255 92: 0,0,0,255 93: 0,0,0,255 94: 0,0,0,255 95: 0,0,0,255 96: 0,0,0,255 97: 0,0,0,255 98: 0,0,0,255 99: 0,0,0,255 100: 0,0,0,255 101: 0,0,0,255 102: 0,0,0,255 103: 0,0,0,255 104: 0,0,0,255 105: 0,0,0,255 106: 0,0,0,255 107: 0,0,0,255 108: 0,0,0,255 109: 0,0,0,255 110: 0,0,0,255 111: 0,0,0,255 112: 0,0,0,255 113: 0,0,0,255 114: 0,0,0,255 115: 0,0,0,255 116: 0,0,0,255 117: 0,0,0,255 118: 0,0,0,255 119: 0,0,0,255 120: 0,0,0,255 121: 0,0,0,255 122: 0,0,0,255 123: 0,0,0,255 124: 0,0,0,255 125: 0,0,0,255 126: 0,0,0,255 127: 0,0,0,255 128: 0,0,0,255 129: 0,0,0,255 130: 0,0,0,255 131: 0,0,0,255 132: 0,0,0,255 133: 0,0,0,255 134: 0,0,0,255 135: 0,0,0,255 136: 0,0,0,255 137: 0,0,0,255 138: 0,0,0,255 139: 0,0,0,255 140: 0,0,0,255 141: 0,0,0,255 142: 0,0,0,255 143: 0,0,0,255 144: 0,0,0,255 145: 0,0,0,255 146: 0,0,0,255 147: 0,0,0,255 148: 0,0,0,255 149: 0,0,0,255 150: 0,0,0,255 151: 0,0,0,255 152: 0,0,0,255 153: 0,0,0,255 154: 0,0,0,255 155: 0,0,0,255 156: 0,0,0,255 157: 0,0,0,255 158: 0,0,0,255 159: 0,0,0,255 160: 0,0,0,255 161: 0,0,0,255 162: 0,0,0,255 163: 0,0,0,255 164: 0,0,0,255 165: 0,0,0,255 166: 0,0,0,255 167: 0,0,0,255 168: 0,0,0,255 169: 0,0,0,255 170: 0,0,0,255 171: 0,0,0,255 172: 0,0,0,255 173: 0,0,0,255 174: 0,0,0,255 175: 0,0,0,255 176: 0,0,0,255 177: 0,0,0,255 178: 0,0,0,255 179: 0,0,0,255 180: 0,0,0,255 181: 0,0,0,255 182: 0,0,0,255 183: 0,0,0,255 184: 0,0,0,255 185: 0,0,0,255 186: 0,0,0,255 187: 0,0,0,255 188: 0,0,0,255 189: 0,0,0,255 190: 0,0,0,255 191: 0,0,0,255 192: 0,0,0,255 193: 0,0,0,255 194: 0,0,0,255 195: 0,0,0,255 196: 0,0,0,255 197: 0,0,0,255 198: 0,0,0,255 199: 0,0,0,255 200: 0,0,0,255 201: 0,0,0,255 202: 0,0,0,255 203: 0,0,0,255 204: 0,0,0,255 205: 0,0,0,255 206: 0,0,0,255 207: 0,0,0,255 208: 0,0,0,255 209: 0,0,0,255 210: 0,0,0,255 211: 0,0,0,255 212: 0,0,0,255 213: 0,0,0,255 214: 0,0,0,255 215: 0,0,0,255 216: 0,0,0,255 217: 0,0,0,255 218: 0,0,0,255 219: 0,0,0,255 220: 0,0,0,255 221: 0,0,0,255 222: 0,0,0,255 223: 0,0,0,255 224: 0,0,0,255 225: 0,0,0,255 226: 0,0,0,255 227: 0,0,0,255 228: 0,0,0,255 229: 0,0,0,255 230: 0,0,0,255 231: 0,0,0,255 232: 0,0,0,255 233: 0,0,0,255 234: 0,0,0,255 235: 0,0,0,255 236: 0,0,0,255 237: 0,0,0,255 238: 0,0,0,255 239: 0,0,0,255 240: 0,0,0,255 241: 0,0,0,255 242: 0,0,0,255 243: 0,0,0,255 244: 0,0,0,255 245: 0,0,0,255 246: 0,0,0,255 247: 0,0,0,255 248: 0,0,0,255 249: 0,0,0,255 250: 0,0,0,255 251: 0,0,0,255 252: 0,0,0,255 253: 0,0,0,255 254: 0,0,0,255 255: 0,0,0,255