Your username on Aardwolf so I can contact you if more information is necessary? Cizra What operating system are you using? Linux Open the file AardwolfPackageChanges.txt and find the topmost (highest number) snapshot 'r' number. It should be on the third line of the file and say something like " r386 snapshot". Paste that line here. If you don't have this file, you're using a ridiculously old version. Upgrade. r1700 snapshot Now explain your request. I want diagonal directions to be added in the inverse directions list aardmapper.lua. Aardwolf doesn't have them, but it's a tiny change. I'm using aardmapper.lua as the base for another mapper. Patch attached.
From on November 10, 2012 06:55:06
Your username on Aardwolf so I can contact you if more information is necessary? Cizra What operating system are you using? Linux Open the file AardwolfPackageChanges.txt and find the topmost (highest number) snapshot 'r' number. It should be on the third line of the file and say something like " r386 snapshot". Paste that line here. If you don't have this file, you're using a ridiculously old version. Upgrade. r1700 snapshot Now explain your request. I want diagonal directions to be added in the inverse directions list aardmapper.lua. Aardwolf doesn't have them, but it's a tiny change. I'm using aardmapper.lua as the base for another mapper. Patch attached.
Attachment: diagonals.patch
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