Shows this is not a native PHP class?
Dependencies in documentation does list 'PDO' but not what that means exactly .. I'm thinking it is another composer installable class? If so not clear which one.
> composer require PDO
Did you mean one of these?
A Google search for "pdoconnector" only gives results for 'Siverstrip' ... is this a composer module only useful for "SilverStripe"based projects? Doesn't seem to mention or indicate this is the case or am I missing something?
Error with basic install / test. on PHP 7.4 server with php74-php-pdo extension enabled.
Error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "PDOConnector" not found in ...
Code causing error
Vendor files are installed - so composer has run and installed OK.
PDO test case shows PHP extension is working OK.
search of
Shows this is not a native PHP class? Dependencies in documentation does list 'PDO' but not what that means exactly .. I'm thinking it is another composer installable class? If so not clear which one.
A Google search for "pdoconnector" only gives results for 'Siverstrip' ... is this a composer module only useful for "SilverStripe"based projects? Doesn't seem to mention or indicate this is the case or am I missing something?