figma / code-connect

A tool for connecting your design system components in code with your design system in Figma
MIT License
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Possible to connect component libraries like Mantine or Mui? #20

Closed Arcade1080 closed 1 month ago

Arcade1080 commented 1 month ago

Is there a way to connect component libraries like Mantine or Mui?

ptomas-figma commented 1 month ago

Hi, thanks for the question! You should be able to annotate components from those libraries using the current React API.

For example to annotate a Button component from the MUI Material library and assuming you have a copy of their community file as your design system library in Figma. you could run npx figma create "https://..." using the the link to the component in that library file. This will generate a Button.figma.tsx file in your codebase that you can modify and publish.

The file could look something like this

import figma from "@figma/code-connect";
import Button from "@mui/material/Button";
import React from "react";

    props: {
      size: figma.enum("Size", {
        Large: "large",
        Medium: "medium",
        Small: "small",
      // ... other prop mapping here
    example: (props) => <Button size={props.size} />,

once published with npx figma publish it'd look like this in Figma


Let us know if you have any questions!

Arcade1080 commented 1 month ago

Hey! Thank you!