figma / code-connect

A tool for connecting your design system components in code with your design system in Figma
MIT License
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Support for Ember.js #38

Open kennydp opened 3 weeks ago

kennydp commented 3 weeks ago

Hey, this looks great! Will there be support for Ember.js in the future?

ptomas-figma commented 2 weeks ago

Hey, thanks for your interest in Code Connect!

We’re planning to add support for more frameworks in the near future. We can’t say yet exactly which frameworks or when, but it’s helpful for us to hear from the community to help us decide where to focus, so please feel free to add a 👍 to this issue if you are also interested in support for Ember.js. I will leave this issue open to track interest.

Code Connect is also designed to be extensible, and the community will be able to create their own plugins to support frameworks and languages which we don’t natively support. More details about how to build these plugins will be coming soon!