figma / code-snippet-editor-plugin

Translate component variants, properties, and more into dynamic code snippets for your design system.
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Templating wish list #26

Open CITguy opened 5 months ago

CITguy commented 5 months ago

I'd like to use this issue to keep track of stuff I wish I could do with the templating logic.

Ideally, I wish I could use an established templating language like EJS or doT.js.

CITguy commented 5 months ago

One thing I can't do is a "default" fallback for when a property has multiple values.

Currently, I have to negate all other values to get a "default" / fallback condition.

{{?prop=a}}content A
{{?prop=b}}content B
{{?prop=c}}content C
{{!prop=a&prop=b&prop=c&prop=...}}fallback content

I wish I could use more of a "switch/case"-like syntax...

{{?prop=a}}content A
{{?prop=b}}content B
{{?prop=c}}content C
{{?prop=*}}fallback content
CITguy commented 5 months ago

Conditional blocks

Say I have a Button component with the following setup...

  - iconOnly:boolean(false)
  - label:string('button')
  - iconLeft:instanceSwap
  - iconRight:instanceSwap

the following table illustrates which props apply for different values of iconOnly

  iconOnly == true iconOnly == false


{{?property.iconOnly=false}}  {{property.label}}


Using EJS syntax for block conditionals...

<% if (property.iconOnly == true) { %>
<% } else { %>
<% } %>