[ ] date FORMAT TIME: Format a date, where a date is an integer type or a time.Time type, and
format is a time.Format formatting string.
[ ] dateModify: Given a date, modify it with a duration: date_modify "-1.5h" now. If the duration doesn't
parse, it returns the time unaltered. See time.ParseDuration for info on duration strings.
[ ] now: Current time.Time, for feeding into date-related functions.
[ ] htmlDate TIME: Format a date for use in the value field of an HTML "date" form element.
[ ] dateInZone FORMAT TIME TZ: Like date, but takes three arguments: format, timestamp,
[ ] htmlDateInZone TIME TZ: Like htmlDate, but takes two arguments: timestamp,
date_modify "-1.5h" now
. If the duration doesn't parse, it returns the time unaltered. Seetime.ParseDuration
for info on duration strings.