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NegativeArraySizeException for planar meshes #35

Open K-Meech opened 3 weeks ago

K-Meech commented 3 weeks ago

Adding a mesh representing a plane that is aligned to the x, y or z axis can cause NegativeArraySizeException. For example:

Image3DUniverse universe = new Image3DUniverse();

// Mesh of a plane perpendicular to the z axis
float length = 1000;
float zpos = -100;
ArrayList<Point3f> triangles = new ArrayList<>();
triangles.add(new Point3f(-length/2, length/2, zpos));
triangles.add(new Point3f(length/2, length/2, zpos));
triangles.add(new Point3f(-length/2, -length/2, zpos));
triangles.add(new Point3f(length/2, length/2, zpos));
triangles.add(new Point3f(-length/2, -length/2, zpos));
triangles.add(new Point3f(length/2, -length/2, zpos));

CustomTriangleMesh mesh = new CustomTriangleMesh( triangles );
universe.addCustomMesh( mesh, "test-plane" );;

results in:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
    at ij3d.shapes.BoundingBox.makeLine(
    at ij3d.shapes.BoundingBox.<init>(
    at ij3d.shapes.BoundingBox.<init>(
    at ij3d.shapes.BoundingBox.<init>(
    at ij3d.ContentInstant.display(
    at ij3d.ContentCreator.createContent(
    at ij3d.ContentCreator.createContent(
    at ij3d.Image3DUniverse.createContent(
    at ij3d.Image3DUniverse.addCustomMesh(
    at develop.MinimalPlaneError.main(

This is an issue with drawing the BoundingBox, where it tries to draw lines that have a length of zero. This can result in n inside makeLine becoming negative.

I'd be happy to submit a PR with small changes to BoundingBox to account for this edge case.