fiji / HDF5_Vibez

HDF5 plugin for ImageJ and Fiji.
GNU General Public License v2.0
9 stars 9 forks source link

Make it work with IJ2 data structures #5

Open rejsmont opened 6 years ago

rejsmont commented 6 years ago

It would be great to implement HDF5 as IJ2 plugin so one could work with Datasets directly. This could be implemented quite quickly... Of course SCIFIO would be the next step, but this would require some architecture decisions.

For example, source) only takes one argument, yet HDF5 requires both filename and dataset name. One could return some kind of lazily-loaded Dataset pointing to separate HDF5 datasets, but yeah... This really needs architecture decisions...

@ctrueden your thoughts on this?

imagejan commented 6 years ago

For others reading this issue: please also see the discussion on the forum at

rejsmont commented 6 years ago

@imagejan you earned yourself a "cross-linker" badge 🥇