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add neuron volume and taper analysis #40

Closed carshadi closed 5 years ago

carshadi commented 5 years ago

add neuron volume and taper analysis

carshadi commented 5 years ago

This pull request adds compartment volume analysis as well as mean burke taper vs. branch order

tferr commented 5 years ago

Welcome to the SNT community @carshadi! Thanks for your contribution. This is great!

A couple of comments:

Thanks once more for your contribution!

tferr commented 5 years ago

Hi @carshadi, really sorry it took so long to come back to this. It is just that I was trying to tidy the scripting API, and wanted things to be settled before merging this. I had some minor comments on changes that need to be done so that it can run on the current API. If you don't have the time, let me know and I'll do them, I just thought you would like to do them yourself. Also, we probably would need to change the script to the Analysis folder so it is listed in the right submenu in the Script Editor, and we would need to rename it to something more descriptive. Any ideas?

Also, is there any way to incorporate to write a jython version of that numpy code you had on the convex hull? that would be a killer addition! I guess there would be three options for it: 1) Make this script export tagged SWC nodes (like the JWS) and paste at the bottom the native python code, so that users can run it with native Python elsewhere 2) Port this script to a Python notebook using the Scijava-jupyter-kernel: This would allow using NumPy, SciPy, OpenCV, etc. To do this have a look at the examples in the tutorials repository 3) Write a jython function from scratch that computes the convex hull so that the script becomes self-contained Option 2 would be my preferred: It would be truly transformative to the field to have a neuroanatomy package with direct access to both the ImageJ and Python ecosystems.

carshadi commented 5 years ago

I mistakenly created a new pull request reflecting the requested changes instead of updating to this one. Possibly because I did not have GitKraken setup when creating the initial PR. New pull request here

tferr commented 5 years ago

No problem! Thanks a lot! For future ref, this was superseded by #42 that meanwhile has been merged