fiji / Trainable_Segmentation

Fiji library to perform image segmentation based on the Weka learning schemes
GNU General Public License v3.0
106 stars 60 forks source link

Trainable_Segmentation Applications -> In Order to change from issues :-) #47

Closed frett27 closed 6 years ago

frett27 commented 6 years ago

Wanted to thank you for all the work accomplished,

we successfully use the Weka / Trainable_Segmentation in our open source project for quite a different common usage of the plugin, and works well now. We use the plugin for reconstructing music from raw scanned images, on old barrel organ books, or disks.!recognition/ or disks!articles/Reconnaissance_Cartons/

models are constructed using the plugin, and saved in files we reuse in the application,

Thank you for all the good work guys,

iarganda commented 6 years ago

@frett27 Thank you very much! I'm glad you found the plugin useful and could apply in such an interesting project!