fiji / Trainable_Segmentation

Fiji library to perform image segmentation based on the Weka learning schemes
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Introduce clij - added Entropy filter #52

Closed s2500111 closed 4 years ago

s2500111 commented 4 years ago

Hi, as asked, the source code for the entropy filter. Would like to hear, if it works as it should.

Best regards Pit Kludig

haesleinhuepf commented 4 years ago

Hey @s2500111 and @iarganda ,

just to introduce you: @s2500111 is one of the students here in Dresden who was working on clijing weka. I'm happy to merge his work into the introduce_clij branch.

@s2500111: Thanks a lot for your work! I hope you also had fun and learned something ;-)

I assigned this PR to me and take care of it asap.

Cheers, Robert

haesleinhuepf commented 4 years ago

Hey @s2500111,

thanks for your work! I merged it with 41d5c30.


Cheers, Robert