fiji / Trainable_Segmentation

Fiji library to perform image segmentation based on the Weka learning schemes
GNU General Public License v3.0
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when applying the classifiers, it fails #57

Open whusgp opened 4 years ago

whusgp commented 4 years ago

my classifier is small, only 8MB, when I try to apply it to a stack which conclude 50 images , it load a long time and give me a window as following. image image Can you help me fix this or solve it? Best Regards

iarganda commented 4 years ago

Hello @whusgp It seems to me the image stack was in a format that maybe Fiji could not read, is it possible? Otherwise, can you post here the whole error message? Thanks!

whusgp commented 4 years ago

actually it's just a stack of .tiff images today i run it again, it still fails. image image thank you for answering me and your work.

iarganda commented 4 years ago

You get an out of memory error, you might need to use less features or some of the solutions described here.

whusgp commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your answer. Regards

whusgp commented 4 years ago

Really Fantastic work. Though it still works a long time to give a stack of output images, it sparkles me. Best regards to your work. Dr.Sun