fiji / Trainable_Segmentation

Fiji library to perform image segmentation based on the Weka learning schemes
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Trainable Wega Segmentation automated #60

Closed MEKH1 closed 3 years ago

MEKH1 commented 3 years ago

Hello everyone, Where can I find the TWS_automated.bsh? I really want this script file so I can import it into the plugin in image j. Any help will be appreciated

Thanks in advance

iarganda commented 3 years ago

Hello @MEKH1 !

I assume you are talking about the script mentioned on

A year ago I commented to the editors that the supplementary material have wrong file names and extensions. They should be "TWS_automated.bsh" and "Thickness_seperation_automated.txt", while they appear as "Data_Sheet_1_An Optimized Approach to Perform Bone Histomorphometry.CSV" and "Data_Sheet_2_An Optimized Approach to Perform Bone Histomorphometry.CSV".

Just in case, here you are the script and the macro with the right names:

MEKH1 commented 3 years ago

Hello @iarganda, Thanks for your response, you are right I was talking about this paper.

I am facing another problem maybe it's better to discuss it in another thread.

Regards MEKH1