fiji / Trainable_Segmentation

Fiji library to perform image segmentation based on the Weka learning schemes
GNU General Public License v3.0
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how to label in batch mode #65

Open jessiya825 opened 3 years ago

jessiya825 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your Trainable Segmentation ! It is useful !

When I label the cell, I can create training data by makeOval(8,113, 46, 104); call("trainableSegmentation.Weka_Segmentation.addTrace", "1", "1");

But I have so many training images, and labeling every cell is time-consuming.

I have gained the binary image, and the label is showed by mask (notice: all masks in one image belong to the same class), such as:


For each image, I want to detect the mask and label all masks to one class. What should I do ?

Thank you~

iarganda commented 3 years ago

Hello @jessiya825

In Fiji you can create a selection (Edit > Selection > Create Selection) out of the binary image you have and add the whole thing as a "trace". I hope that helps!