fiji / dockerfiles

Fiji Dockerfiles for Docker builds.
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Test on Windows #2

Open hinerm opened 9 years ago

hinerm commented 9 years ago

Haven't tried any of these dockerfiles on Windows yet, so I'm not sure what's required to get GUI apps running.

dscho commented 9 years ago

First of all, there is no official Docker for Windows support yet (only through VirtualBox, which does not really count). And then you probably need a X11 server to run GUI apps inside Docker, because Docker containers really are Linux containers, so the GUI is still X11 (or Wayland, but that is even more complicated to set up).

hinerm commented 9 years ago

Indeed.. since the windows instructions use boot2docker I expect the steps for running Fiji will be similar to those on OSX.

Looks like we can start by trying Xming and a windows socat equivalent

dscho commented 9 years ago

Xming is an option, but keep in mind that I never managed to compile that beast. Its latest release is pretty old by X11's standards.

VNC might be a better choice (I had looked into using Xpra instead, but due to the number of regressions introduced in to Xpra I had to let that one go).

You do not need socat. With boot2docker, there are better ways to open ports to services running inside the container.