fikovnik / ShiftIt

Managing windows size and position in OSX
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Chome windows don't respond to ShiftIt commands #299

Open zzyyfff opened 5 years ago

zzyyfff commented 5 years ago

Problem: ShiftIt work perfectly for all apps' windows except for "Google". Chrome windows just don't respond at all.

System: MacBook Pro 15" Late 2016 model with Touchbar macOS 10.14.3 ShiftIt 2.3 Google Chrome 72.0.3626.121

Attempts to solve:

Thanks in advance for any help and thanks making for this awesome app! =)

molenick commented 5 years ago

I'm experiencing this as well, one additional observation I've seen is that Chrome will respond to Shift-It commands when initially launched, however after visiting any page it ceases to function. Started happening sometime around February 18th.

molenick commented 5 years ago

I just downgraded to Chrome 71.0.3578.80 and it seems to be working fine. I guess the question is what changed between 71 and 72 in Chrome that could break Shift-It?

zzyyfff commented 5 years ago

I can confirm that downgrading to Chrome 71 works for having ShiftIt work again!

It's not a good solution for me and probably not a good longterm solution for most other users because:

I'm curious what changed, too! I'm not sure I know enough to further the investigation, but I'm happy to help/test things if anyone has suggestions!

dladowitz commented 5 years ago

Where did you download Chrome 71 from? I see a bunch of sites that list it, but I'm extremely wary of downloading a web browser from them. Who knows if they've tampered with the package and installed anything malicious.

zzyyfff commented 5 years ago

That's a fair concern! I don't remember which of several sites I ended up using, but I did it for testing only and reverted to the current release. I do not recommend this solution for many reasons (for me, it also broke use of the 1Password extension), unless you're only trying to test ShiftIt.

It appears that the maintainer(s) are abandoning this project and recommend using a configuration of Hammerspoon instead. I've implemented the Hammerspoon solution on my personal machine: it works great in all contexts and is more customizable!

I recommend this solution for replacing ShiftIt:

  1. Install Hammerspoon:
  2. Add MiroWindowManager to Hammerspoon:
  3. Add this init.lua for Hammerspoon, which adds extra functions and gets rid of the default animation time:

I also went inside of MiroWindowManager (Show Package Contents or use terminal) and changed its init.lua to add an extra window size to obj.sizes; 7/6 is useful for me! They're just inverted fractions of screen size, so that's six sevenths. Works better than ever!

I'll keep this issue Open so folks with the same problem can find this stable workaround that is also recommended by the main ShiftIt developer:

@derekwyatt - Hammerspoon is really cool. Do you think you could package a Hammerspoon script which basically does what shiftit does so it could become a permanent replacement?

Originally posted by @fikovnik in

fikovnik commented 5 years ago

Indeed, please use Hammerspoon!

dennisgove commented 5 years ago

I just installed Hammerspoon after years of using Shiftit and am very pleased.

That said, I loved shiftit and I'm sorry to see it go! Thank you for the suggestion to switch to Hammerspoon and THANK YOU for the use of shiftit over these last few years.