Closed shaonianG closed 1 day ago
i think, you can run and put debugger at the predict
function and see what happens
i think, you can run and put debugger at the
function and see what happens
thank you for your reply,i run the and find predict function in add following code in there,instead of line 776,this code is from #57
pred_pts_seg = batch_data_samples[0].pred_pts_seg
instance_labels = pred_pts_seg.instance_labels # tensor, (num_instance,)
instance_scores = pred_pts_seg.instance_scores # tensor, (num_instance,)
pts_instance_mask = pred_pts_seg.pts_instance_mask[0] # tensor, (num_instances, num_points)
input_points = batch_inputs_dict["points"][0] # tensor, (num_points, xyzrgb)
input_point_name = batch_data_samples[0].lidar_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
def save_point_cloud(points, file_path, colors=None):
"""Save point cloud with optional color."""
if isinstance(points, torch.Tensor):
points = points.cpu().numpy() # Convert tensor to NumPy array on the CPU
points = np.asarray(points, dtype=np.float32) # Ensure points are in float32 format
pc = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
pc.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points[:, :3])
# If colors are provided, apply them; otherwise, use default gray
if colors is not None:
pc.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors)
pc.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.tile([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], (points.shape[0], 1))) # Default gray, pc)
def filter_and_save_instances(instance_labels, instance_scores, pts_instance_mask, input_points,
input_point_name, threshold=0.5):
base_dir = f"./work_dirs/color/{input_point_name}"
if not os.path.exists(base_dir):
input_pc_path = os.path.join(base_dir, f"{input_point_name}.ply")
save_point_cloud(input_points, input_pc_path)
instance_count = {}
colors = np.zeros((input_points.shape[0], 3)) # Initialize color array for all points
# We can use a fixed color map or random colors for each instance label
unique_labels = np.unique(instance_labels) # Get unique instance labels
label_color_map = {}
for i, label in enumerate(unique_labels):
label_color_map[label] = np.random.rand(3) # Random color for each unique label
for i in range(len(instance_scores)):
if instance_scores[i] >= threshold:
label = instance_labels[i]
if label not in instance_count:
instance_count[label] = 0
instance_count[label] += 1
instance_mask = pts_instance_mask[i].astype(bool)
instance_points = input_points[instance_mask]
# Assign color to the points based on their label
instance_color = label_color_map[label]
colors[instance_mask] = instance_color
# Save instance-specific point cloud with color
instance_pc_path = os.path.join(base_dir,
save_point_cloud(instance_points, instance_pc_path, colors=colors[instance_mask])
# Optionally, you can also save a point cloud with all instances colored
save_point_cloud(input_points, input_pc_path, colors=colors)
filter_and_save_instances(instance_labels, instance_scores, pts_instance_mask, input_points, input_point_name)
return batch_data_samples
then run, will generate ply file in /workspace/work_dir/color put it in meshlab, can get the visual result
thank you for your oustanding work,now i want to have a visual result about segment,so i have changed the code in follow #57,but i didn't find how to use oneformer3d to inference in readme,also i dont know where this predict function can be used. i check the runner,didnt find how to predict,only train,val and test.can you help me? any advice will be appreciate